Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/968

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109 STAT. 1940 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) - 40- 137. Net* 1 to ch«pt«r 46 is aedlfiAd by delating the M^racsion ••trips of othsr v*g«t sbla •• tsrl al (for Mua pls, raff ia, na rrow I te n a or s trips cut from broad laavas) or bark,* and Insartlng th» aprassion "strips of odiar vagatabla •atarial (for axaapla, strips of baric, narrow laavas and raffia or otliar strips obtainad from broad la«vas),* In llau tfaaraef. 138. Iha titla of section Z is aodiflad by dalating tba agression 'HASTE AND SCKAP OF PAPBt at FAPKRBOARD' and insarting the axprassion mSCOVBRID (DASTE AHD SCRAP) PAPER OR PAFERBOlAU)- in liau tharaof. 139. Tha titla of chapter 47 is Modified by dalating die e^^rassion 'HASTE AND SCRAP OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARO' and insarting die expression •RECOVERED (HASTE AHD SCRAP) PAP ER OR P APERBOA RO- in lie u thereof. 140(a). T ha arti cle descr ipti on of heading 47 06 i s superseded by the following: •Tulpe of flbmr* dirl^iiid fna rimmrml (last* nd (crap) pipir or pi|ji'bo»<l or of titbtr tibnm eatlulMle aMarUI:' (b). Tha following new subheading is inserted in nuaerieal order: iru( |»...t ]

  • ,

•«7D 6.».00 Mps of fitara 4tHvod fnm rwoMrod (Moto aid icnp) pifar or |ii|iorhairil. rro o froi^ 141(a). The article description of heading 4707 is aodifled to read as follows: tocooorod (HMto aid tnpi piptr and poporteordi' (b). The article description of stAheading 4707.10 is aodifled to read as follows: UvlcMlMfl kraft pMpcr or pspsrsowv of cormpstso pspcr or psporaoop^* (c). The article description of subheading 4707.20 is aodiflad by deleting • Of ot li er' and by inserting in liau thereof 'Od ier', and the article description of stibheading 4707.30 is aodiflad by deleting 'Of paper' and by inserting in lieu thereof 'Paper'. 142. Subdivision s (f) tf aro u^ (o) of note 1 to chapter 46 are r edesignated MM (g) through (p), respectivaly, and dw following new subdivision (f) is inserted in alpha betica l orde r: '(f) Mpor laprovMod irftil dtapnotle or l*or«tu»> roiswHo (boodlns 3KZ);" 143. Note 2 to chapter 48 is aodifled by delating the expression ', for exaaple, by coatin g or inpreg nation'. 144. Note 3 to chapter 48 ia aodifled to read as follows: Q. In tkf« dwptor, tho iiyrmliw •gHHCM' "f uMootod pipor of • kind laod for tho printfni •f nmmft^an, at idilcii not looo ttm dS porcowt by wiiM of Xtm tout fibor oantant eonoloto of Hood f<bora obMlnod by a aacbanleal or dMat-aackanlcal pracaoo, mltad or vmy ll^ly aitad, havlni a ourfaca rourfmaaa tarkar Print lurf (1 IVa) an aadi aMa aneaadlns Z.S aliii—tara (aicrana), valtfilns nak laaa tiian M a/tr and not ear* thai « aV.'