Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/341

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PUBLIC LAW 103-382~OCT. 20, 1994 108 STAT. 3831 "(2) the arts are important to excellent education and to effective school reform; "(3) the most significant contribution of the arts to education reform is the transformation of teaching and learning; "(4) such transformation is best realized in the context of comprehensive, systemic education reform; "(5) demonstrated competency in the arts for American students is among the National Education Goals; "(6) participation in performing arts activities has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream settings; "(7) opportunities in the arts have enabled persons of all ages with disabilities to participate more fully in school and community activities; "(8) the arts can motivate at-risk students to stay in school and become active participants in the educational process; and "(9) arts education should be an integral part of the elementary and secondary school curriculum. "(b) PURPOSES. — The purposes of this subpart are to— "(1) support systemic education reform by strengthening arts education as an integral part of the elementary and secondary school curriculum; "(2) help ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn to challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards in the arts; and "(3) support the national effort to enable all students to demonstrate competence in the arts in accordance with the National Education Goals. "(c) ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. —In order to carry out the purposes of this subpart, the Secretary is authorized to award grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with— "(1) State educational agencies; "(2) local educational agencies; "(3) institutions of higher education; "(4) museums and other cultural institutions; and "(5) other public and private agencies, institutions, and organizations. "(d) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. — Funds under this subpart may be used for— "(1) research on arts education; "(2) the development of, and dissemination of information about, model arts education programs; "(3) the development of model arts education assessments based on high standards; "(4) the development and implementation of curriculum frameworks for arts education; "(5) the development of model preservice and inservice professional development programs for arts educators and other instructional staff; "(6) supporting collaborative activities with other Federal agencies or institutions involved in arts education, such as the National Endowment for the Arts, the Institute of Museum Services, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Very Special Arts, and the National Gallery of Art; "(7) supporting model projects and programs in the performing arts for children and youth through arrangements