Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/149

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PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 108 STAT. 3639 "(4) support for the; development of educational and instructional programming in core subject areas, which shall address the National Education Goals; " (5) strengthening and building upon, but not duplicating, existing telecommunications infrastructures dedicated to educational purposes; "(6) development and evaluation of new and emerging educational technologies, telecommunications networks, and stateof-the-art educational technology products that promote the use of advanced technologies in the classroom and school library media center; "(7) assessment data regarding state-of-the-art uses of technologies in United States education upon which commercial and noncommercial telecommunications entities, and governments can rely for decisionmaking about the need for, and provision of, appropriate technologies for education in the United States; "(8) ensuring that uses of educational technology are consistent with the overall national technology policy established by the President, and ensuring that Federal technology- related policies and programs will facilitate the use of technology in education; "(9) ensuring that activities supported under this part will form the basis for sound State and local decisions about investing in, sustaining, and expanding uses of technology in education; "(10) establishing working guidelines to ensure maximum interoperability nationwide and ease of access for the emerging technologies so that no school system will be excluded from the technological revolution; "(11) ensuring that, as technological advances are made, the educational uses of these advances are considered and their applications are developed; and "(12) encouragement of collaborative relationships among the State agency for higher education, the State library administrative agency, the State telecommunications agency, and the State educational agency, in the area of technology support to strengthen the system of education. •SEC. 3113. DEFINrnONS. 20 USC 6813. "For purposes of this title— "(1) the term 'adult education' has the same meaning given such term by section 312 of the Adult Education Act; "(2) the term 'all students' means students from a broad range of backgrounds and circumstances, including disadvantaged students, students with diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, students with disabilities, students with limited English proficiency, students who have dropped out of school, and academically talented students; "(3) the term 'infoirmation infrastructure' means a network of communication systems designed to exchange information among all citizens and residents of the United States; "(4) the term 'instructional programming* means the full range of audio and video data, text, graphics, or additional state-of-the-art communications, including multimedia based resources distributed through interactive, command and con-