Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/1072

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108 STAT. 4562 PUBLIC LAW 103-434—OCT. 31, 1994 (d) OTHER YAKIMA RIVER BASIN TRIBUTARIES. —Enhancement programs similar to the enhancement program authorized by this section may be investigated and implemented by the Secretary in other tributaries contingent upon the agreement of the appropriate tributary water right owners to participate. The provisions set forth in this section shall be applicable to such programs. (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. — (1) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $500,000 for the study of the Taneum Creek Project and such amount as the Secretary subsequently determines is necessary for implementation of tributary measures pursuant to this section. (2) There is also authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such funds as are necessary for the investigation of enhancement programs similar to the enhancement program authorized by this section in other Yakima River basin tributaries contingent upon the agreement of the appropriate water right owners to participate. Funds for the implementation of any such similar enhancement program may not be appropriated until after the Secretary submits an investigation report to the appropriate congressional committees. SEC. 1208. CHANDLER PUMPING PLANT AND POWERPLANT-OPER- ATIONS AT PROSSER DIVERSION DAM. (a) AUTHORIZATION OP APPROPRIATIONS FOR ELECTRIFICATION.— In order to provide for electrification to enhance instream flows by eliminating the need to divert water to operate the hydraulic turbines which pump water to the Kennewick Irrigation District, there is authorized to be appropriated— (1) $50,000 to conduct an assessment of opportunities for alternative pumping plant locations; (2) $4,000,000 for construction; and (3) such sums as may be necessary for the prorata share of the operation and maintenance allocated to fish and wildlife as determined by the Secretary. (b) POWER FOR PROJECT PUMPING.—(1) The Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration shall provide for project power needed to effect the electrification as provided in subsection (a). (2)(A) There is authorized to be appropriated for the Bureau of Reclamation for each fiscal year in which the Administrator provides power under this subsection an amount equal to the cost to the Bonneville Power Administration of providing power under this subsection during such fiscal year. The rate to be utilized by the Administrator in determining the cost of power under this paragraph in a fiscal year shall be the rate for priority firm power charged by the Bonneville Power Administration in that fiscal year under section 7(b) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 839e(b)). (B) The Bureau of Reclamation shall, using funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subparagraph (A), reimburse the Bonneville Power Administration for the costs of the project power provided under this subsection. Such funds shall be available for such purpose without fiscal year limitation. (c) SUBORDINATION.— Any diversions for hydropower generation at the Chandler Powerplant shall be subordinated to meet the flow targets determined under subsection (f). (d) WATER SUPPLY FOR KENNEWICK IRRIGATION DISTRICT.— The Secretary shall ensure that the irrigation water supply for the Kennewick Irrigation District shall not be EifTected by conserva-