Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/435

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SV2 NVz: EV2NWV4NEV4: NEy4 NEV4: WV2: WV2 Ey2: All that part north of New Mexico Highway 70 except for the EV2 Ey2 NEV4: NV2 SEV4: swy4 SEV4: wy2 SEV4 SEV4: Nwy4 NEV4: NWy4 NEy4 NEy4: wy2 swyi NEy4: 160 acres 20 acres 40 acres 320 acres 160 acres 192 acres more or less 160 acres 80 acres 40 acres 20 acres 40 acres 10 acres 20 acres PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 108 STAT. 3069 SEC. 2845. TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION, HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NEW MEXICO. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsections (c) through (g), not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall transfer to the Department of the Air Force, without reimbursement, jurisdiction and control of approximately 1,262 acres of public lands described in subsection (b). Such public lands are located in Otero County, New Mexico, and are contiguous to Holloman Air Force Base. (b) DESCRIPTION OF LANDS TRANSFERRED. —The lands described in this subsection are as follows: (1) T17S, R8E, Section 21: (2) T17S, R8E, Section 22: (3) T17S, R8E, Section 27: (4) T17S, R8E, Section 28: (5) T17S, R8E, Section 33: (c) USE OF TRANSFERRED LAND. —The lands transferred to the Department of the Air Force under subsection (a) shall be used by the Secretary of the Air Force for the construction of new evaporation ponds to support a wastewater treatment facility that the Secretary shall construct at Holloman Air Force Base. (d) CATTLE GRAZING RIGHTS. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The United States recognizes a grazing preference on the lands transferred to the Department of the Air Force under subsection (a). (2) ADJUSTMENT OF GRAZING ALLOTMENT. —(A) The Secretary of the Air Force shall take such action as is necessary to ensure that— (i) the boundary of the grazing allotment that contains the lands transferred to the Department of the Air Force is adjusted in such manner as to retain the portion of the allotment located south of United States Highway 70 in New Mexico and remove the portion of the lands that is located north of such highway; and (ii) the grazing preference referr(3d to in paragraph (1) is retained by means of transferring the preference for the area removed from the allotment under subparagraph (A) to public lands located south of such highway. (B) The Secretary of the Air Force shall offer to enter Contracts, into an agreement with each person who holds a permit for grazing on the lands transferred to the Department of the Air Force at the time of the transfer to provide for the continued grazing by livestock on the portion of the lands located south of such highway. (e) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. — (1) NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT OF IQBQ.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall ensure that the transfer made pursuant to subsection (a) and the use specified in subsection