Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/260

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108 STAT. 2894 PUBLIC LAW 103-337—OCT. 5, 1994 (Public Law 103-160; 107 Stat. 1825), except that such term does not mclude activities of the Department of Defense for which funds are provided through appropriations for Mihtary Personnel. SEC. 1312. CLARIFICATION AND CODIFICATION OF OVERSEAS MILI- TARY END STRENGTH LIMITATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—(1) Chapter 3 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 123a the following new section:

  • '§ 123b. Forces stationed abroad: limitation on number

"(a) END-STRENGTH LIMITATION.—No funds appropriated to the Department of Defense may be used to support a strength level of members of the armed forces assigned to permanent duty ashore in nations outside the United States at the end of any fiscal year at a level in excess of 203,000. "(b) EXCEPTION FOR WARTIME. —Subsection (a) does not apply in the event of a declaration of war or an armed attack on any member nation of the North Atlantic Treaty Orgsinization, Japein, the Republic of Korea, or any other ally of the United States. "(c) PRESIDENTIAL WAIVER. — The President may waive the operation of subsection (a) if the President declares an emergency. The President shall immediately notify Congress of any such waiver.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: "123b. Forces stationed abroad: limitation on number.". 10 USC 123b (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.— Section 123b of title 10, United States "°^- Code, as added by subsection (a), does not apply with respect to a fiscal year before fiscal year 1996. (c) CONFORMING REPEAL.— Section 1302 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public Law 102-484; 106 10 USC 113 note. Stat. 2545) is repealed. SEC. 1313. COST-SHARING POLICY AND REPORT. 22 USC 1928 (a) POLICY. —It is the policy of the United States that the "°' *^ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies should assist the United States in paying the incremental costs incurred by the United States for maintaining members of the Armed Forces in assignments to permanent duty ashore in European member nations of NATO solely for support of NATO roles and missions. President. (b) IMPLEMENTATION. —The President shall take all necessary actions to ensure the effective implementation of the policy set forth in subsection (a). (c) REPORT. — The Secretary of Defense shall include in the annual report required by section 1002(d) of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985 (22 U.S.C. 1928 note) the following: (1) A description of the United States military forces assigned to permanent duty ashore in European member nations of NATO and an analysis of the cost of providing and maintaining such forces in such assignment primarily for support of NATO roles and missions. (2) A description of the United States military forces assigned to permanent duty ashore in European member nations of NATO primarily in support of other United States interests in other regions of the world and an analysis of ' the cost of providing and maintaining such forces in such assignment primarily for that purpose.