Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/754

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107 STAT. 2692 PROCLAMATION 6577—JULY 2, 1993 Dear Mr. Ambassador: In connection with the signing on this date of the Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and Romania (the "Agreement"), I have the honor to confirm the understanding reached by our Governments (the "Parties") regarding cooperation in the field of tourism services as follows: GOAL 1. Both Parties shall facilitate the expansion of tourism between the United States and Romania and encourage the adoption of measures by tourist companies of both countries to satisfy the desire of tourists to learn about the lifestyles, achievements, history and culture of each country. OFFICIAL TOURISM PROMOTION 1. Each Party shall seek permission of the other Party prior to the establishment of official, governmental tourism promotion offices in the other's territory. 2. Permission to open tourism promotion offices or field offices and the status of personnel at those offices shall be subject to the agreement of the Parties and subject to the laws and regulations of the host country. Bucharest, April 3, 1992. The Honorable Constantin Fota, Minister of CommeKe and Tourism Romania , Dear Mr. Minister, I have the honor to confirm receipt of your letter that reads as follows: Dear Mr. Ambassador: In connection with the signing on this date of the Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and Romania (the "Agreement"), I have the honor to confirm the understanding reached by our Governments (the "Parties") regarding cooperation in the field of tourism services as follows: GOAL 1. Both Parties shall facilitate the expansion of tourism between the United States and Romania and encourage the adoption of measures by tourist companies of both countries to satisfy the desire of tourists to learn about the lifestyles, achievements, history and culture of each country. OFFICIAL TOURISM PROMOTION 1. Each Party shall seek permission of the other Party prior to the establishment of official, governmental tourism promotion offices in the other's territory. 2. Permission to open tourism promotion offices or field offices and the status of personnel at those offices shall be subject to the agreement of the Parties and subject to the laws and regulations of the host country. 3. Tourism promotion offices opened by either Party shall be operated on a non-commercial basis. Official tourism promotion offices and the personnel assigned to them shall not function as agents or principals in commercial transactions, enter into contractual agreements on behalf of conmiercial organizations, or engage in any other commercial activities. Such offices shall not sell services to the public or othervnse compete with travel agents or tour operators of either country. 4. Official governmental tourism offices shall conduct activities related to the promotion and facilitation of tourism between the United States and Romania, including: