Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 1.djvu/271

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PUBLIC LAW 103-50 —JULY 2, 1993 107 STAT. 245 received during fiscal year 1993 shall be subject to the fiscal year 1993 limitation. For an additional amount for carndng out the Mammography Quality Standards Act, $3,000,000, of which $1,000,000 shall be transferred from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; $1,000,000 shall be transferred from the National Institutes of Health "National Cancer Institute"; and $1,000,000 shall be transferred from the Health Care Financing Administration "Program Management". GENERAL PROVISION SEC. 101. None of the funds in this Act, or any other Act, may be used to pay for the relocation of the Human Nutrition Information Service. CHAPTER II DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE, JUSTICE, AND STATE, THE JUDICIARY, AND RELATED AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The sum "$13,889,000" under this heading in Public Law 102- 395,106 Stat. 1852, is amended to read "$15,050,000". NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS, RESEARCH, AND FACILITIES (RESCISSION) Of the amounts provided under this heading in Public Law 102-395, $1,750,000 are rescinded and in addition, of the amounts also provided under this heading for a semitropical research facility located at Key Largo, Florida, in Public Law 101-515 and Public Law 102-140, $794,000 are rescinded. GENERAL PROVISION SEC. 201. No grant to any State or other eligible entity to cover the costs of tourism promotion needs arising from Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Iniki, and other disasters, maae with the funds provided to the Department of Commerce in Public Law 102-368 (106 Stat. 1140), shall be subject to a maximum or minimum dollar amount as established by regulations of the Department of Commerce. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES Notwithstanding section 1346 of title 31, United States Code, or section 612 of the Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations Act, 1993, funds made available for fiscal