Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/839

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PROCLAMATION 6469-^EPT. 3, 1992 106 STAT. 5397 two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and seventeenth. GEORGE BUSH Proclamation 6469 of September 3, 1992 Childhood Cancer Month, 1992 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation This year nearly 8,000 American children will be diagnosed as having cancer. Such a diagnosis affects not only the young patient but also his or her entire family. Parents experience tremendous anguish knowing that their child is ailing or in pain. Brothers and sisters often share in that heartache, as well as in fears of the unknown. Daily life may be turned upside down for many months; for some, it may never be the same. As an expression of our concern for young cancer patients and their families, we set aside this month to reaffirm our support of continuing research and education. Thanks to the many advances that have been made in cancer research, the majority of children who are diagnosed with cancer today will be alive and healthy 5 years from now. Indeed, the number of deaths from childhood cancers continues to drop as improved diagnostic and prognostic techniques, along with important breakthroughs in treatment, give hope to young people with leukemia, Wilm's tumor, Hodgkin's disease, and other cancers. Such progress is testimony to the vitality of American science and to the contributions of the brave young patients who participate in clinical studies of new anti-cancer treatments. In recent years doctors have learned that bone marrow transplantation, which enables a child to receive very high doses of anti-cancer drugs, is an effective way of treating some types of leukemia. With this and other new techniques, nearly three-fourths of all children who are diagnosed as having leukemia can look forward to a complete cure. The treatment of Hodgkin's disease is yet another example of progress: today some 87 percent of children who are diagnosed as having this cancer of the lymphatic system can expect to be cured. While these and other scientific advances are encouraging, they are but a part of the story of our increasing success in the fight against childhood cancer. This month, as we recognize the outstanding physicians and scientists who conduct pediatric cancer research in both the public and private sectors, we also honor the dedicated oncology nurses and social workers who comfort and assist young patients, the teachers and therapists who foster their intellectual and physical potential, and the many volunteers who provide family support groups, special camping and recreation facilities, and other helpful programs and services. Inspired by the extraordinary courage and optimism of young cancer patients, all of these Americans are making important contributions to the fight against childhood cancer. Their efforts merit our admiration and support.