Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/451

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PUBLIC LAW 102-586—NOV. 4, 1992 106 STAT. 5009 and nonprofit private organizations to develop, establish, and support projects that— "(1) provide treatment to juvenile offenders who are victims of child abuse or neglect and to their families so as to reduce the likelihood that the juvenile offenders will commit subsequent violations of law; "(2) based on the best interests of juvenile offenders who receive treatment for child abuse or neglect, provide transitional services (including individual, group, and family coiinseling) to juvenile offenders— "(A) to strengthen the relationships of juvenile offenders with their families and encourage the resolution of intrafamily problems related to the abuse or neglect; "(B) to facilitate their alternative placement; and "(C) to prepare juveniles aged 16 years and older to live independently; and "(3) carry out research (including surveys of existing transitional services, identification of exemplary treatment modalities, and evaluation of treatment and transitional services) provided with grants made under this section. "ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS "SEC. 287B. The Administrator shall administer this part sub- 42 USC 5667d-2. ject to the requirements of sections 262, 299B, and 299E. "PRIORITY "SEC. 287C. In making grants under section 287A, the 42 USC 5667d-3. Administrator— "(1) shall give priority to applicants that have experience in treating juveniles who are victims of child abuse or neglect; and "(2) may not disapprove an application solely because the applicant proposes to provide treatment or transitional services to juveniles who are adjudicated to be delinquent for having committed offenses that are not serious crimes. "PART G—^MENTORING "PURPOSES "SEC. 288. The purposes of this part are— "(1) to reduce juvenile delinquency and gang participation; "(2) to improve academic performance; and "(3) to reduce the dropout rate, through the use of mentors for at-risk youth. "DEFINITIONS "SEC. 288A. For purposes of this part— "(1) the term at-risk youth' means a youth at risk of educational failure or dropping out of school or involvement in delinquent activities; and "(2) the term 'mentor* means a person who works with an at-risk youth on a one-to-one basis, establishing a supportive relationship with the youth and providing the youth with academic assistance and exposure to new experiences that enhance the youth's ability to become a responsible citizen. 42 USC 5667e. 42 USC 5667e-l.