Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/214

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106 STAT. 4772 PUBLIC LAW 102-577—OCT. 30, 1992 Public Law 102-577 102d Congress Joint Resolution Oct. 30, 1992 [H.J. Res. 422] Designating November 1992 as 'Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month". Whereas neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow in the human nervous system; Whereas neurofibromatosis is the most common tumor-causing genetic disorder of the nervous system; Whereas neurofibromatosis leads to disfigurement, blindness, deaf- ness, loss of Umbs, scoliosis, and brain and spinal tumors; Whereas neurofibromatosis is a potentially debilitating disorder that strikes males and females of all races and ethnic groups; Whereas great strides have been made in neurofibromatosis research with the discovery of the neurofibromatosis gene and its product and function as well as the cloning of the NFl gene; Whereas the neurofibromatosis gene is known to be a tiunor suppressor gene, research into neurofibromatosis has profound significance for investigations into the causes of cancer; Whereas an animal model for NFl has recently been found; Whereas a candidate gene for NF2 has also been discovered; Whereas because the incidence of learning disabilities in the population of individuals suffering from neurofibromatosis is 5 times greater than in the general population, progress in neurofibromatosis research is important to achieving a better understanding of the causes of learning disabilities, which affect more than 30 million Americans; and Whereas the National Neurofibromatosis Foiuidation, Inc., a voluntary health organization with chapters across the United States, was established to serve mdividuals with neurofibromatosis and their families, to promote and support biomedical research on neurofibromatosis, and to increase public awareness of neurofibromatosis and its consequences: Now, therefore, be it