Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 6.djvu/164

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106 STAT. 4722 PUBLIC LAW 102-575—OCT. 30, 1992 timing are provided at and below Gravelly Ford to meet the anadromous fishery needs identified pursuant to such plan, if any, entities who receive water from the Friant Division of the Centred Valley Project shall be assessed, in addition to all other applicable charges, a $4 per acre-foot surcharge for all Project water delivered on or before September 30, 1997; a $5 per acre-foot surcharge for all Project water delivered after September 30, 1997 but on or before September 30, 1999; and a $7 per acre-foot surcharge for all Project water delivered thereafter, to be covered into the Restoration Fund. (2) in the course of preparing the Stanislaus River Basin and Calaveras River Water Use Program Environmental Impact Statement and in consultation with the Stote of California, affected counties, and other interests, evaluate and determine existing and anticipated future basin needs in the Stanislaus River Basin. In the course of such evaluation, the Secretary shall investigate alternative storage, release, and delivery regimes, including but not limited to conjimctive use operations, conservation strategies, exchange arrangements, and the use of base and channel maintenance flows, in order to best satisfy both basin and out-of-basin needs consistent, on a continuing basis, with the limitations and priorities established in the Act of October 23, 1962 (76 Stat. 173). For the purposes of this subparagraph, '1pasin needs" shall include water supply for agricultural, municipal and industrial uses, and maintenance and enhancement of water quality, and fish and wildlife resources within the Stenislaus River Basin as established by the Secretary's June 29, 1981 Record of Decision; and "outof-basin" needs shall include all such needs outside of the Stenislaus River Basin, including those of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delte Estuary and those of the San Joaquin River under paragraph (1) of this subsection, (d) CENTRAL VALLEY REFUGES AND WILDLIFE HABITAT AREAS.— In support of the objectives of the Central Valley Habitet Joint Venture and in furtherance of the purposes of this title, the Secretary shall provide, either directly or through contractual agreements with other appropriate parties, firm water supplies of suiteble quality to maintein and improve wetland habitet areas on unite of the National Wildlife Refuge System in the Central Valley of California; on the Gray Lodge, Los Banos, Volte, North Grasslands, and Mendote stete wildlife management areas; and on the Grasslands Resources Conservation District in the Central Valley of California. (1) Upon enactment of this title, the quantity and delivery schedules of water measured at the boundaries of each wetland habitet area described in this paragraph shall be in accordance with level 2 of the "Dependable Water Supply Needs" teble for those habitet areas as set forth in the Refuge Water Supply Report and two-thirds of the water supply needed for full habitet development for those habitet areas identified in the San Joaquin Basin Action Plan/Kesterson Mitigation Action Plan Report prepared by the Bureau of Reclamation. Such water shall be provided through long-term contractual agn^eemente with appropriate parties and shall be supplemented by the increment of water provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection; Provided, That the Secretary sheul be obligated to provide such water whether or not such long-term contractual