Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/926

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106 STAT. 4564 PUBLIC LAW 102-573—OCT. 29, 1992 Oregon. 25 USC 1638. 25 USC 1638a. 25 USC 1632. 25 USC 1637. 25 USC 1638b. Reports. facility at the time of the completion of such renovation or modernization.". SEC. 306. LAND TRANSFER. Title III of the Act is amended by adding at the end the following new section: "LAND TRANSFER "SEC, 308. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is authorized to transfer, at no cost, up to 5 acres of land at the Chemawa Indian School, Salem, Oregon, to the Service for the provision of health care services. The land authorized to be transferred by this section is that land adjacent to land under the jurisdiction of the Service and occupied by the Chemawa Indian Hemth Center.". SEC. 307. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) AUTHORIZATION.— Title III of the Act (as amended by section 306 of this Act) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: "AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS "SEC. 309. There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each fiscal year through fiscal year 2000 to carry out this title.". (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Title III of the Act is amended— (1) in section 302, by striking out subsection (h); and (2) in section 307, by striking out subsection (i). SEC. 308. BUY AMERICAN REQUIREMENT. Title III of the Act (as amended by section 307 of this Act) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: "APPLICABILITY OF BUY AMERICAN REQUIREMENT "SEC. 310. (a) The Secretary shall ensure that the requirements of the Buy American Act apply to all procurements made with funds provided pursuant to the authorization contained in section 309. "(b) The Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report on the amount of procurements from foreign entities made in fiscal years 1993 and 1994 with funds provided pursuant to the authorization contained in section 309. Such report shall separately indicate the dollar value of items procured with such funds for which the Buy American Act was waived pursuant to the Trade Agreement Act of 1979 or any international agreement to which the United States is a party. "(c) If it has been finally determined by a court or Federal agency that any person intentionally affixed a label bearing a

  • Made in America' inscription, or any inscription with the same

meaning, to any product sold in or shipped to the United States that is not made in the United States, such person shall be ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds provided pursuant to the authorization contained in section 309, pursuant to the debarment, suspension, and inehgibihty procedures described in sections 9.400 through 9.409 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations.