Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/73

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PUBLIC LAW 102-550—OCT. 28, 1992 106 STAT. 3711 42 USC 1437aa note. following the appointment of all the members under section 503(a) and inserting "at the end of September 30, 1992". (b) AUDIT. — Not later than December 30, 1992, the Comptroller Reports. General of the United States shall conduct an audit of the financial transactions of the National Commission on Distressed Public Housing to determine the use of any amounts received by the Commission from the Federal Government before October 1, 1992, and shall submit a report to the Congress regarding the results of the audit. The Comptroller General and any duly authorized representatives of the Comptroller General shall have access to, and the right to examine and copy, all records and other recorded information in any form, and to examine any property, within the possession and control of the Commission that the Comptroller General considers relevant to the audit. SEC. 128. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON AMERICAN INDIAN, ALASKA NATIVE, AND NATIVE HAWAIIAN HOUSING. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— The first sentence of section 605 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 1437aa note) is amended to read as follows: There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this title $500,000 for fiscal year 1993.". (b) EXTENSION OF TERMINATION DATE.— Section 602(g) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (12 U.S.C. 1437aa note) is amended by striking "upon the expiration of 18 months ififter all members of the Commission are appointed under paragraph (1)" and inserting "on October 1, 1993". SEC. 129. RENTAL ASSISTANCE FRAUD RECOVERIES. (a) IN GENERAL. — Section 326(d) of the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 1437f note) is amended to read as follows: "(d) RENTAL ASSISTANCE FRAUD RECOVERIES. — "(1) AUTHORITY TO RETAIN RECOVERED AMOUNTS.—The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall permit public housing agencies administering the housing assistence pay- mente program under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 to retein, out of amounte obtained by the agencies from tenants that are due as a result of fraud and abuse, an amount (determined in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary) equal to the greater of— "(A) 50 percent of the amount actually collected, or "(B) the actual, reasonable, and necessary expenses related to the collection, including costs of investigation, legal fees, and collection agency fees. "(2) USE.— Amomits reteined by an agency shall be made available for use in support of the affected program or project, in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary. Where the Secretary is the principal party initiating or sustaining an action to recover amounts from families or owners, the provisions of this section shall not apply. "(3) RECOVERY. — Amounts may be recovered under this paragraph— "(A) by an agency throiu^h a lawsuit (including settlement of the lawsuit) broiight by the agency or through court-ordered restitution pursuant to a criminal proceeding resulting from an agency s investigation where the agency