Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 5.djvu/548

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106 STAT. 4186 PUBLIC LAW 102-556—OCT. 28, 1992 mon carrier, loc£d exchange carrier, or any other person from liie obligation to comply with Federal, State, and local election statutes and regulations. "(2) CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS. —Nothing in this section shall relieve any provider of pay-per-call services, common carrier, local exchange carrier, or any other person from the obligation to comply with any Federal, State, or local statute or regulation relating to consumer protection or unfair trade. "(3) GAMBLING LAWS.—Nothing in this section shall preclude any State from enforcing ite statutes and regulations with regard to lotteries, wagering, betting, and other gambling activities. "(4) STATE AUTHORITY.— Nothing in this section shall preclude any State from enacting and enforcing additional and complementary oversight and regulatory systems or procedures, or both, so long as such systems and procedures govern intrastate services and do not significantly impede the enforcement of this section or other Federal statutes. "(5) ENFORCEMENT OF EXISTING REGULATIONS.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Commission from enforcing regulations prescribed prior to the date of enactment of this section in fulfiliing the requirements of this section to the extent that such regulations are consistent with the provisions of this section. "(h) EFFECT ON DIAL-A -PORN PROHIBITIONS. -Nothing in this section shall affect the provisions of section 223 of this Act. "(i) DEFINITION OF PAY-PER -CALL SERVICES.— For purposes of this section— "(1) The term *pay-per-call services* means any service— "(A) in which any person provides or purports to provide— "(i) audio information or audio entertainment produced or packaged by such person; "(ii) access to simultaneous voice conversation services; or (iii) any service, including the provision of a product, the charges for which are assessed on the basis of file completion of the call; "(B) for which the caller pays a per-call or per-timeinterval charge iJiat is greater than, or in addition to, the charge for transmission of the call; and "(C) which is accessed through use of a 900 telephone number or other prefix or area code designated by the Commission in accordance with subsection (b)(5). "(2) Such term does not include directory services provided by a common carrier or its afifiliate or by a local exchange carrier or its affiliate, or any service the charge for which is tariffed, or any service for which users are assessed charges only after entering into a presubscription or comparable arrangement with the provider of such service.". SEC. 102. TECHNICAL ABIENDMENT. 47 USC 227 note. Section 3(c) of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 is amended by striking "section 228" and inserting "section 227".