Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/925

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PUBLIC LAW 102-549—OCT. 28, 1992 106 STAT. 3661 TITLE IV—UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL CENTERS SEC. 401. UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL CENTERS. 22 USC 4723a. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— The Secretary of Commerce, in his or her role as chairperson of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, is authorized and encouraged to establish United States Commercial Centers (hereinafter in this section referred to as "Centers") in Asia, in Latin America, and in Africa. (b) PURPOSE OF THE CENTERS.— The purpose of the Centers shall be to provide additional resources for the promotion of exports of United States goods and services to the host countries, by familiarizing United States exporters with the industries, markets, and customs of the host countries, thus facilitating commercial ties and trade. (c) FUNCTIONS OF THE CENTERS.— Each Center shall— (1) collect and publish economic and market data with respect to the host cotmtry; (2) provide, on a user-fee basis, preHminary technical and clerical assistance, Isuiguage translation, and administrative assistance, and information regarding the legal systems, laws, regulations, and procedures of the host country, to United States exporters seeking to do business in the host country; and (3) in other ways promote exports of United States goods and services to the host country. (d) SPECIFIC SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED. —TO carry out its objectives, each Center shall make available the following (on a userfee basis): (1) BUSINESS FACILITIES. —Business facilities, including exhibition space, conference rooms, office space (including tele- Ehones and other basic office equipment), and, where warranted y impeding deficiencies in the public system, high quality international telecommunications facilities. (2) BUSINESS SERVICES. —Business support services, including language translation services, clerical services, and a commercial Ubrary containing a coniprehensive collection of representatives covering United States and host country industries and markets. (3) COMMERCIAL IUAW INFORMATION SERVICES. —Commercial law information services, including— (A) a clearinghouse for information regarding the relevant commercial laws, practices, and regulations of the host country; (B) publications to assist United States businesses; (C) legal referral services; and (D) lists of local agents and distributors. (e) OTHER TRADE PROMOTION ACTIVITIES. —Each Center shall also promote United States export trade by— (1) facilitating contacts between buyers, sellers, bankers, traders, distributors, agents, and necessary government officials from the United States and the host country; (2) coordinating trade missions; and (3) assisting with applications, contracts, and clearances for imports into the host country and exports from the United States.