Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/642

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106 STAT. 3378 PUBLIC LAW 102-516—OCT. 24, 1992 Public Law 102-516 102d Congress Joint Resolution Oct. 24, 1992 Designating January 3, 1993, through January 9, 1993, as "National Law [S.J. Res. 304] Enforcement Treiining Week". Whereas law enforcement training and the sciences related to law enforcement are critical to the immediate and long-term safety and well-being of this Nation because law enforcement professionals provide service and protection to citizens in all sectors of society; Whereas law enforcement training is a critical component of national efforts to protect the citizens of this Nation from violent crime, to combat the malignancy of illicit drugs, and to apprehend criminals who commit personal, property, and business crimes; Whereas law enforcement training serves the hard working and law abiding citizens of this Nation; Whereas it is essential that the citizens of this Nation be able to enjoy an inherent right of freedom from fear and learn of the significant contributions that law enforcement trainers have made to assure such right; Whereas it is vital to build and maintain a highly trsdned and motivated law enforcement work force that is educated and trained in the skills of law enforcement and the sciences related to law enforcement in order to take advantage of the opportunities that law enforcement provides; Whereas it is in the national interest to stimulate and encourage the youth of this Nation to understand the significance of law enforcement training to the law enforcement profession and to the safety and security of all citizens; Whereas it is in the national interest to encourage the youth of this Nation to appreciate the intellectual fascination of law enforcement training; and Whereas it is in the national interest to make the youth of this Nation aware of c£u*eer options available in law enforcement and disciplines related to law enforcement: Now, therefore, be it