Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/354

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106 STAT. 3090 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 329, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1070d-d), in post-secondary science and mathematics education. (2) Support activities may include— (A) the development of educational materials; (B) the training of teachers and counselors; (C) the establishment of student internships; (D) the development of seminars on mathematics and science; (E) tutoring in mathematics and science; (F) academic coimseling; (G) the development of opportunities for research; and (H) such other activities that may promote the participation of low-income and first generation college students in postsecondary science and mathematics education. (c) SUPPORT.—(1) In carrying out the purpose of this section, the entities may provide support under subsection (b)(2) to— (A) low-income and first generation college students; and (B) institutions of higher education, public and private agencies and organizations, and secondary and middle schools that principally benefit low-income students. (2) The qualified entities shall, to the extent practicable, coordinate support activities under this section with the Secretary of Education and the Secretary. (d) COOPERATION WITH QUALIFIED ENTITIES. —The Secretary shall cooperate with qualified entities and, to the extent practicable, make available to the entities such personnel, facilities, and other resources of the Department of Energy as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the entities. (e) REPORT.—Not later than October 1 of each year, the entities shall report to the Secretary, the Secretary of Education, and the Congress on— (1) progress made to promote the participation of lowincome and first generation college students in post-secondary science and mathematics education by— (A) the qualified entities; (B) other mathematics and science education programs of the Department of Energy; and (C) the Special Programs for Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds of the Department of Education; and (2) recommendations for such additional actions as may be needed to promote the participation of low-income students in post-secondary science and maUiematics education. (f) EFFECT ON EXISTING PROGRAMS. — The programs in this section shall supplement and be developed in cooperation with the current mathematics and science education programs of the Department of Energy and the Department of Education but shall not supplant them. (g) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this section, the term "qualified entity" means a nonprofit corporation, association, or institution that has demonstrated special knowledge of, and experience with, the education of low-income and first generation college students and whose primary mission is the operation of national programs that focus on low-income students and provide training and other services to educators. (h) AUTHORIZATION.—There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary, to be derived from section 2203(e)