Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/837

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2631 acquisition, modification of facilities, and the continuation of projects authorized in prior years, and land acquisition related thereto) to cany out environmental restoration and waste management activities necessary for national security programs as follows: Project GPD-171, general plant projects, various locations, $83,285,000. Project 93-D-172, electrical upgrade, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $1,000,000. Project 93-D-174, plant drain waste water treatment upgrades, Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $1,800,000. Project 93-D-175, industrial waste compaction facility, Y- 12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $2,200,000. Project 93-D^176, Oak Ridge reservation storage facility, K-25 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $4,000,000. Project 93-D-177, disposal of K-1515 sanitary water treatment plant waste, K-125 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $1,500,000. Project 93-D-178, building 374 liquid waste treatment facility. Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado, $2,700,000. Project 93-D-180, environmental monitoring-RCRA froundwater monitoring installation, Richland, Washington, 8,700,000. Project 93-D-181, radioactive liquid waste Hne replacement, Richland, Washington, $350,000. Project 93-D-182, replacement of cross-site transfer system, Richland, Washington, $4,495,000. Project 93-D-183, multi-tank waste storage facility, Richland, Washington, $10,300,000. Project 93-D-184, 325 facility compliance/renovation, Richland, Washington, $1,500,000. Project 93-D-185, landlord program safety compliance. Phase II, Richland, Washington, $849,000. Project 93-D-186, 200 area unsecured core area fabrication shop, Richland, Washington, $1,000,000. Project 93-D -187, high-level waste removal from filled waste tanks, Savannah River, South Carolina, $2,000,000. Project 93-D-188, new sanitary landfill. Savannah River, South Carolina, $2,000,000. Project 92-D-171, mixed waste receiving and storage facility, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $3,000,000. Project 92-D-172, hazardous waste treatment and processing facility, Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas, $1,900,000. Project 92-D -173, nitrogen oxide abatement facility, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $7,000,000. Project 92-D-177, tank 101-AZ waste retrieval system, Richland, Washington, $3,000,000. Project 92-D -180, inter-area line upgrade, Savannah River, South Carolina, $3,170,000. Project 92-D-181, fire and life safety improvements, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $8,000,000. Project 92-D-182, sewer system upgrade, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $3,700,000. Project 92-D-183, transportation complex, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, $5,860,000.