Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/73

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PUBLIC LAW 102-395—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1867 available to pay arrearages: Provided, That funds shall be available for the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) only upon a certification by the Secretary of State to the appropriate committees of the Congress that American manufacturers and suppliers are beine given opportunities to provide equipment, services and material tor UNTAu equal to those being given to foreign manufacturers and suppliers, and tiiat the United States Mission to the United Nations has established procedures to provide information on all United Nations procurement regulations and solicitations to American manufacturers and suppliers. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CONTINGENCIES For necessary expenses authorized by section 5 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, in addition to funds otherwise available for these purposes, contributions for the United States share of general expenses of international organizations and conferences and representation to such organizations and conferences as provided for by 22 U.S.C. 2656 and 2672 and personal services witnout regard to civil service and classification laws as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5102, $5,600,000, to remain available until expended as authorized by 22 U.S.C. 2696(c), of which not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for representation as authorized by 22 U.S.C. 4085. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS 22 USC 269a note. For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, to meet obligations of the United States arising under treaties, or specific Acts of Congress, as follows: INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO For necessary expenses for the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, and to comply with laws applicable to the United States Section, including not to exceed $6,000 for representation; as follows: SALARIES AND EXPENSES For salaries and expenses, not otherwise provided for, $11,330,000. CONSTRUCTION For detailed plan preparation and construction of authorized projects, $14,790,000, to remain available until expended as authorized by 22 U.S.C. 2696(c). AMERICAN SECTIONS, INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, including not to exceed $9,000 for representation expenses incurred by the International Joint Commission, $4,403,000; for the International Joint Commission and the International Boundary Commission, as authorized by treaties between the United States and Canada or Great Britain.