Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/328

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106 STAT. 2122 PUBLIC LAW 102-415—OCT. 14, 1992 SEC. 15. HAIDA CORPORATION ACCOUNT. The Haida Land Exchange Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-664) is amended— 16 USC 3195 (1) in section 2(a)— "°*e (A) in paragraph (9)— (i) by striking "as of January 1, 1995"; and (ii) by striking "on January 1, 1995**; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(13) liie term 'agenc/ includes— "(A) any instrumentality of the United States; "(B) any element of an agency; and "(C) any wholly owned or mixed-owned corporation of the United States Government identified in chapter 91 of title 31, United States Code."; and (2) by adding at the end the following new section: <«EC. 13. HAIDA CORPORATION ACCOUNT. "(a) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, the term 'property* has the same meaning as is provided the term in section 12(b)(7) of Public Law 94-204 (43 U.S.C. 1611 note), as amended. "(b) ESTABLISHMENT. —(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, except as provided in subsection (e), on October 1, 1996, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, shall establish a Haida Corporation Account. "(2) Beginning on October 1, 1996, the balance of the account shall— "(A) be available to the Haida Corporation for bidding on and purchasing property sold at public sale, subject to the conditions described in paragraph (3); and "(B) remain available until expended. "(3)(A) The Haida Corporation may use the account established under paragraph (1) to bid as any other bidder for property (wherever located) at any public sale by an agency and may purchase the property in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the agency offering the property for sale. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Haida Corporation may assign without restriction any or all of the accounts upon written notification to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Interior. "(B) In conducting a transaction described in subparagraph (A), an agency shall accept, in the same manner as cash, any amount tendered from the account established by the Secretary of the Treasury under paragraph (1). The Secretary of the Treasury shall adjust the balance of the account to reflect the transaction. "(C) The Secretary of the Treastuy, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, shall establish procedures to permit the account established under paragraph (1) to— "(i) receive deposits; "(ii) make deposits into escrow when an escrow is required for the sale of any property; and "(iii) reinstate to the account any unused escrow deposits in the event sales are not consummated. " (c) AMOUNT. —(1) The initial balance of the account established in subsection (b) shall be determined by multiplying— "(A) the average value per acre of the surface estate of the lands exchanged to the Haida Corporation pursuant to section 12(b)(3); by