Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/118

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106 STAT. 1912 PUBLIC LAW 102-396 —OCT. 6, 1992 Computer technology. Prisoners of war. Missing in action. Reports. sional who is not a Federal employee after a review, pursuant to rules prescribed by the Secretary, which takes into account the appropriate level of care for the patient, the intensity of services required by the patient, and the availability of that care. SEC. 9044. The designs of the Army Comanche Helicopter, the Navy A-X Aircraft, the Air Force Advanced Tactical Fighter, and any variants of these aircraft, must incorporate Joint Integrated Avionics Working Group standard avionics specifications and must fully comply with all DOD regulations requiring the use of the Ada computer programming language no later than 1998: Provided, That all new Department of Defense procurements shall separately identify software costs in the work breakdown structure defined by MIL-STD-881 in those instances where software is considered to be a major category of cost. SEC. 9045. Of the funds appropriated, reimbursable expenses incurred by the Department of Defense on behalf of the Soviet Union or its successor entities in monitoring United States implementation of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range or Shorter-Range Missiles ("INF Treat/'), concluded December 8, 1987, may be treated as orders received and obligation authority for the applicable appropriation, account, or fund increased accordingly. Likewise, any reimbursements received for such costs may be credited to the same appropriation, account, or fund to which the expenses were charged: Provided, That reimbursements which are not received within one hundred and eighty days after submission of an appropriate request for payment shall be subject to interest at the current rate established pursuant to section 2(b)(1)(B) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 526). Interest shall begin to accrue on the one hundred and eighty-first day following submission of an appropriate request for payment: Provided further, That funds appropriated in this Act may be used to reimburse United States military personnel for reasonable costs of subsistence, at rates to be determined by the Secretary of Defense, incurred while accompanying Soviet Inspection Team members or inspection team members of the successor entities of the Soviet Union engaged in activities related to the INF Treaty: Provided further. That this provision includes only the in-country period (referred to in the INF Treaty) and is effective whether such duty is performed at, near, or away from an individual's permanent duty station. SEC. 9046. Funds available in this Act may be used to provide transportation for the next-of-kin of individuals who have been prisoners of war or missing in action from the Vietnam era to an annual meeting in the United States, under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe. SEC. 9047. None of the funds available to the Department of Defense or Navy shall be obligated or expended to (1) implement Automatic Data Processing, Data Processing Installation, Central Design Activity, or Information Technology Facility consolidation plans, or (2) to make reductions in force or transfers in personnel, end strengths, billets, functions, or missions that affect the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Stations, the Enlisted Personnel Management Center, and the Naval Reserve Personnel Center and related missions, functions and commands, except in the National Capital Region, until sixty legislative days after the Secretary of Defense submits a report, including complete review comments