Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/291

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PUBLIC LAW 102-372—SEPT. 30, 1992 106 STAT. 1171 (11) exporting those goods and services which United States industry can produce at a comparative cost advantage, such as travel and tourism services, will be in the Nation's longterm strategic interest; and (12) the emergence of democratic governments in the formerly Communist nations of Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union provide new opportiuiities for United States firms engaged in both the inbound and outbound tourism markets. SEC. 3. SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVELERS. 22 USC 2122 The Secretary of Commerce, to the extent available resources permit, shall improve the survey of international air travelers conducted to provide the data needed to estimate the Nation's balance of payments in international travel by— (1) expanding the survey to cover travel to and from the Middle East, Africa, South America, and the Caribbean and enhancing coverage for Mexico, Oceania, the Far East, and Europe; and (2) improving the methodology for conducting on-board surveys by (A) enhancing communications, training, and liaison activities in cooperation with participating air carriers, (B) providing for the continuation of needed data bases, and (C) utilizing improved sampling procedures. The Secretary of Commerce shall seek to increase the reporting frequency of the data provided by Statistics Canada and the Bank of Mexico on international travel trade between the United States and both Canada and Mexico. The Secretary shall improve the quarterly statistical report on United States international travel receipts and payments published in the Bureau of Economic Analy- sis document known as "The Survey of Current Services" and heighten its visibility. SEC. 4. RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION. 22 USC 2124c. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUNDATION.—In order to assist in the development and promotion of rural tourism, there is established a charitable and nonprofit corporation to be known as the Rural Tourism Development Foundation (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Founciation"). (b) FUNCTIONS. —The functions of the Foundation shall be the planning, development, and implementation of projects and programs which have the potential to increase travel and tourism export revenues by attracting foreign visitors to rural America. Initially, such projects and progrsuns shall include— (1) participation in the development and distribution of educational and promotional materials pertaining to both private and public attractions located in rural areas of the United States, including Federal parks and recreational lands, which can be used by foreign visitors; (2) development of educational resources to assist in private and public rural tourism development; and (3) participation in Federal agency outreach efforts to make such resources available to private enterprises, State and local governments, and other persons and entities interested in rural tourism development. (c) BOARD OF DIRECTORS.— (1) COMPOSITION. — (A) The Foundation shall have a Board of Directors (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Board") thal^