Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/142

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106 STAT. 1022 PUBLIC LAW 102-367—SEPT. 7, 1992 Sec. 205. Summer youth program transfer of funds. «' ' Sec. 206. Youth training program. Sec. 207. Youth training program allotment and alloc);^ion. Sec. 2€3. YouUi training progrtidA eligibility and services. TITLE III—EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ASSISTANCE FOR DISLOCATED WORKERS Sec. 301. State agency approval. Sec. 302. Limitations on uses of funds. Sec. 303. Demonstration programs. TITLE IV—FEDERALLY ADMINISTERED PROGRAMS Sec. 401. Native American and migrant programs. Sec. 402. Job Corps. Sec. 403. National activities. Sec. 404. Uniform requirements.

Sec. 405. Labor market information. Sec. 406. Establishment of the Youth Fair Chance program. Sec. 407. Establishment of the microenterprise grants program. Sec. 408. Establishment of the disaster relief program. TITLE V-JOBS FOR EMPLOYABLE DEPENDENT INDIVIDUALS INCENTIVE BONUS PROGRAM Sec. 501. Jobs for employable dependent individuals. TITLE VI—STATE HUMAN RESOURCE INVESTMENT COUNCIL Sec. 601. State human resource investment council. TITLE VII—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 701. Effective date and transition provisions. Sec. 702. Technical and conforming amendments. TITLE I-^OB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS Subtitle A—General Provisions SEC. 101. DECLARATION OF POLICY AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. 29 USC 1501 (a) DECLARATION OF POLICY.— In recognition of the training needs "°*®- of low-income adults and youth, the Congress declares it to be thepolicy of the United States to— (1) provide financial assistance to States and local service delivery areas to meet the training needs of such low-income adults and youth, and to assist such individuals in obtaining unsubsidized employment; (2) increase the funds available for programs under title II of the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) by not less than 10 percent of the baseline each fiscal year to provide for growth in the percentage of eligible adults and youth served above the 5 percent of the eligible population that is currently served; and (3) encourage the provision of longer, more comprehensive, education, training, and employment services to the eligible population, which also requires increased funding in order to maintain current service levels. (b) STATEMENT OF PURPOSE.— Section 2 of the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1501) (hereafter in this Act referred to as "the Act") is amended to read as follows: