Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/410

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106 STAT. 378 PUBLIC LAW 102-321—JULY 10, 1992 assistance only if the organization lacks the financial resources for operating such a program. "(c) SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR CERTAIN SMALL BUSINESSES. — In making grants under subsection (a), the Director of the Prevention Office shall give special consideration to business organizations with 50 or fewer employers. "(d) CONSULTATION AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—In the case of small businesses being assisted under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the entities and organizations involved and provide technical assistance and training with respect to establishing and operating employee assistance programs in accordance with this subtitle. Such assistance shall include technical assistance in establishing workplace substance abuse programs. "(e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 1994.". TITLE II—BLOCK GRANTS TO STATES REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SEC. 201. ESTABLISHMENT OF SEPARATE BLOCK GRANT REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH. Part B of title XIX of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x et seq.) is amended— (1) by amending the heading for the part to read as follows: " PART B —BLOCK GRANTS REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE"; and (2) by striking subparts 1 and 2 and inserting the following: "Subpart I—Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services 42 USC 300x. "SEC. 1911. FORMULA GRANTS TO STATES. "(a) IN GENERAL.— For the purpose described in subsection (b), the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Center for Mental Health Services, shall make an allotment each fiscal year for each State in an amount determined in accordance with section 1918. The Secretary shall make a grant to the State of the allotment made for the State for the fiscal year if the State submits to the Secretary an application in accordance with section 1917. "(b) PURPOSE OF GRANTS.— ^A funding agreement for a grant under subsection (a) is that, suWect to section 1916, the State involved will expend the grant only ror the purpose of— "(1) carrying out the plan submitted under section 1912(a) by the State for the fiscal year involved; "(2) evaluating programs and services carried out under the plan; and "(3) plginning, administration, and educational activities related to providing services under the plan.