Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 3.djvu/290

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105 STAT. 2174 PUBLIC LAW 102-240—DEC. 18, 1991 "(5) MAKING STATISTICS ACCESSIBLE. — Making the statistics published under this subsection readily accessible. "(6) IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NEEDS.— Identifying information that is needed under paragraph (1) but which is not being collected, reviewing such needs at least annually with the Advisory Council on Transportation Statistics, and making recommendations to appropriate Department of Transportation research officials concerning extramural and intramural research programs to provide such information. "(d) LIMITATIONS ON STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section shall be construed— "(1) to authorize the Bureau to require any other department or agency to collect data; or "(2) to reduce the authority of any other officer of the Department of Transportation to collect and disseminate data independently. "(e) PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN DISCLOSURES.— Information compiled by the Bureau shall not be disclosed publicly in a manner that would reveal the personal identity of any individual, consistent with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or to reveal trade secrets or allow commercial or financial information provided by any person to be identified with such person. "(f) TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS ANNUAL REPORT. —On or before January 1, 1994, and annually thereafter, the Director shall transmit to the President and Congress a Transportation Statistics Annual Report which shall include information on items referred to in subsection (c)(1), documentation of methods used to obtain and ensure the quality of the statistics presented in the report, and recommendations for improving transportation statistical information. "(g) PERFORMANCE OF FUNCTIONS OF DIRECTOR PENDING CON- FIRMATION. —An individual who, on the date of the enactment of this section, is performing any function required by this section to be performed by the Director may continue to perform such function until such function is undertaken by the Director.". (b) FUNDING. —There shall be available from the Highway Trust Fund (other than the Mass Transit Account) only for carrying out the amendment made by subsection (a) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1992, $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, $15,000,000 per fiscal year for each of fiscal years 1994 and 1995, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1996, and $25,000,000 for fiscal year 1997. Funds authorized by this subsection shall be available for obligation in the same manner as if such funds were apportioned under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code. (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.— The analysis for chapter 1 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new items: "Sec. 110. Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. "Sec. 111. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.". (d) AMENDMENT TO TITLE 5, U.S.C. —Section 5316 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: "Director, Bureau of Transportation Statistics.". 49 USC 111 note. SEC. 6007. ADVISORY COUNCIL ON TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS. (a) ESTABLISHMENT. — The Director of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics shall establish an Advisory Council on Transportation Statistics.