Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/1018

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104 STAT. 3334 PUBLIC LAW 101-619—NOV. 16, 1990 Public information. Reports. of the General Schedule for each day (including travel time) during which they are engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Council. While away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the Council, members of the Council shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703(b) of title 5 of the United States Code. (6) Section 14(a) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act relating to termination, shall not apply to the Advisory Council. (c)(1) The Federal Task Force on Environmental Education shall advise, consult with and make recommendations to the Administrator on matters relating to implementation of this Act and assure the coordination of such implementation activities with related activities of other Federal agencies. (2) Membership of the Task Force shall include the— (A) Department of Education, (B) Department of the Interior, (C) Department of Agriculture, (D) the Environmental Protection Agency, (E) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Achninistration, (F) Council on Environmental Quality, (G) Tennessee Valley Authority, and (H) National Science Foundation. (3) The Environmental Protection Agency shall chair the Task Force. (4) The Administrator may ask other Federal agencies to participate in the meetings and activities of the Task Force where the Administrator finds it appropriate in carrying out the requirements of this Act. (d)(1) The Advisory Council shall, after providing for public review and comment, submit to the Congress, within 24 months of enactment of this Act and biennially thereafter, a report which shall— (A) describe and assess the extent and quality of environmental education in the Nation; (B) provide a general description of the activities conducted pursuant to this Act and related authorities over the previous 2-year period; (C) summarize major obstacles to improving environmental education (including environmental education programs relating to national parks and wildlife refuges) and make recommendations for addressing such obstacles; (D) identify personnel skills, education, and training needed to respond to current and anticipated environmental problems and make recommendations for actions to assure sufficient educational and training opportunities in these professions; and (E) describe and assess the extent and quality of environmental education programs available to senior Americans and make recommendations thereon; describe the various Federal agency programs to further senior environmental education; and evaluate and make recommendations as to how such educational apparatuses could best be coordinated with nonprofit senior organizations across the Nation, and environmental education institutions and organizations now in existence. (2) The Federal Task Force on Environmental Education shall review and comment on a draft of the report to Congress.