Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/910

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104 STAT. 2262 PUBLIC LAW 101-520—NOV. 5, 1990 OFFICIAL MAIL COSTS For expenses necessary for official mail costs of the House of Representatives, as authorized by law, $58,984,000. SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES For compensation and expenses of officers and employees, as authorized by law, $44,628,000, including: Office of the Clerk, including not to exceed $1,000 for official representation and reception expenses, $19,300,000; Office of the Sergeant at Arms, including not to exceed $500 for official representation and reception expenses, $1,200,000; Office of the Doorkeeper, including overtime, as authorized by law, $9,200,000; Office of the Postmaster, $3,275,000, including $118,130 for employment of substitute messengers and extra services of regular employees when required at the salary rate of not to exceed $18,443 per annum each; Office of the Chaplain, $105,000; Office of the Parliamentarian, including the Parliamentarian and $2,000 for preparing the Digest of Rules, $890,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Historian, $300,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House, $1,302,000; for salaries and expenses of the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the House, $4,161,000; six minority employ- ees, $677,000; the House Democratic Steering Committee and Caucus, $1,305,000; the House Republican Conference, $1,305,000; and other authorized employees, $1,608,000. Such amounts as are deemed necessary for the payment of salaries of officers and employees under this heading may be transferred among the various offices and activities under this heading, upon the approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS SEC 101. Of the amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1991 for salaries and expenses of the House of Representatives, such amounts as may be neci^ssary may be transferred among the headings "HOUSE LEADERSHIP OFFICES", "MEMBERS' CLERK HIRE", "COMMIT- TEE EMPLOYEES", "CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE (STANDING COMMITTEES, SPECIAL AND SELECT)", "CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE (ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES)", "OFFICIAL MAIL COSTS", AND "SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES", upon approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. SEC. 102. The Clerk of the House, under the direction of the Committee on House Administration, is authorized to receive and expend funds for the conduct of a biennial equipment exposition for Members. 40 USC 206 SEC. 103. The provisions of H. Res. 294, approved November 17, note. 1989, establishing five additional positions on the Capitol Police for duty with respect to the House of Representatives, shall be the permanent law with respect thereto. 2 USC 57 note. SEC. 104. Effective as of the beginning of the 102d Congress, the authorization for the Clerk Hire Allowance, as established by the Committee on House Administration, is increased by $50,000. 40 USC 206 SEC. 105. The provisions of H. Res. 420, approved June 26, 1990, note. establishing the position of Director of Employment Practices under the Capitol Police Board with respect to members of the Capitol Police, shall be the permanent law with respect thereto.