Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/668

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104 STAT. 2020 PUBLIC LAW 101-513—NOV. 5, 1990 Appropriations to the same extent and under the same conditions as are other committees pursuant to subsection (c) of that section: Provided, That before issuing a letter of offer to sell excess defense articles under the Arms Export Control Act, the Department of Defense shall notify the Committees on Appropriations in accordance with the regular notification procedures of such Committees: Provided further, That such Committees shall also be informed of the original acquisition cost of such defense articles. AUTHORIZATION REQUIREMENT SEC. 549. Funds appropriated by this Act may be obligated and expended notwithstanding section 10 of Public Law 91-672 and section 15 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956. 22 USC 2395a note. Reports. 103 Stat. 1238. Taiwan. NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS ON DEBT RELIEF AGREEMENTS SEC. 550. The Secretary of State shall transmit to the Appropriations Committees of the Congress and to such other Committees as appropriate, a copy of the text of any agreement with any foreign government which would result in any debt relief no less than thirty days prior to its entry into force, other than one entered into pursuant to this Act, together with a detailed justification of the interest of the United States in the proposed debt relief: Provided, That the term "debt relief shall include any and all debt prepay- ment, debt rescheduling, and debt restructuring proposals and agreements: Provided further. That the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury should in every feasible instance notify the Appropriations Committees of the Congress and such other Committees as appropriate not less than 15 days prior to any formal multilateral or bilateral negotiation for official debt restructuring, rescheduling, or relief: Provided further. That the Secretary of Stote or the Secretary of the Treasury, as appropriate, shall report not later than the first of February, 1991 and annually thereafter a consolidated statement of the budgetery implications of all debtrelated agreements entered into force during the preceding fiscal year. MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL COOPERATION AND ISRAELI-ARAB SCHOLARSHIPS SEC. 551. (a) Middle East regional cooperative programs which have been carried out in accordance with section 202(c) of the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1985 shall continue to be funded at a level of not less than $7,000,000 from funds appropriated under the heading "Economic Support Fund". (b) Section 5560t)) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990, is amended by striking out "September 30, 1990" and inserting in lieu thereof "July 31, 1991". MEMBERSHIP DESIGNATION IN ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK SEC. 552. It is the sense of the Congress that the United States Government should use its influence in the Asian Development Bank to secure reconsideration of that institution's decision to designate Taiwan (the Republic of China) as "Taipei, China". It is further the sense of the Congress that the Asian Development Bank