Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/387

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PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1739 produce or acquire missiles that can deliver weapons of mass destruction; (2) to discourage countries and private persons in other countries from aiding and abetting any states from acquiring such weapons, material, and technology; (3) to strengthen United States and existing multilateral export controls to prohibit the flow of materials, equipment, and technology that would assist countries in acquiring the ability to produce or acquire missiles that can deliver weapons of mass destruction, including missiles, warheads and weaponization technology, targeting technology, test and evaluation technology, and range and weapons effect measurement technology; and (4) with respect to the Missile Technology Control Regime ("MTCR") and its participating governments— (A) to improve enforcement and seek a common and stricter interpretation among MTCR members of MTCR principles; (B) to increase the number of countries that adhere to the MTCR; and (C) to increase information sharing among United States agencies and among governments on missile technology transfer, including export licensing, and enforcement activities. SEC. 1702. AMENDMENT TO THE EXPORT ADMINISTRATION ACT OF 1979 (a) MISSILE TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS. — Section 6 of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2405) is amended— (1) by redesignating subsections (k) through (p) as subsections (m) through (r), respectively; and (2) by inserting after subsection (j) the following: " (k) NEGOTIATIONS WITH OTHER COUNTRIES. — " (1) COUNTRIES PARTICIPATING IN CERTAIN AGREEMENTS. —The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, the Secretary of Defense, and the heads of other appropriate departments and agencies, shall be responsible for conducting negotiations with those countries participating in the groups known as the Coordinating Committee, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group, and the Nuclear Suppliers' Group, regarding their cooperation in restricting the export of goods and technology in order to carry out— "(A) the policy set forth in section 3(2)(B) of this Act, and "(B) United States policy opposing the proliferation of chemical, biological, nuclear, and other weapons and their delivery systems, and effectively restricting the export of dual use components of such weapons and their delivery systems, in accordance with this subsection and subsections (a) and (1). Such negotiations shall cover, among other issues, which goods and technology should be subject to multilaterally agreed export restrictions, and the implementation of the restrictions consistent with the principles identified in section 5(b)(2)(C) of this Act. "(2) OTHER COUNTRIES. — The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, the Secretary of Defense, and the heads of other appropriate departments and agencies, shall be responsible for conducting negotiations with countries and groups of