Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/838

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104 STAT. 804 PUBLIC LAW 101-392—SEPT. 25, 1990 "(3) The term 'Indian student count' means a number equal to the total number of Indian students enrolled in each tribally controlled vocational institution, determined as follows: "(A) The registrations of Indian students as in effect on October 1 of each year. "(B) Credits or clock hours toward a certificate earned in classes offered during a summer term shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count in the succeeding fall term. "(C) Credits or clock hours toward a certificate earned in classes during a summer term shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count if the institution at which the student is in attendance has established criteria for the admission of such student on the basis of the student's ability to benefit from the education or training offered. The institution shall be presumed to have established such criteria if the admission procedures for such studies include counseling or testing that measures the student's aptitude to successfully complete the course in which the student has enrolled. No credit earned by such student for purposes of obtaining a high school degree or its equivalent shall be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count. "(D) Indian students earning credits in any continuing education program of a tribally controlled vocation^ institution shall be included in determining the sum of all credit or clock hours. "(E) Credits or clock hours earned in a continuing education program shall be converted to the basis that is in accordance with the institution's system for providing credit for participation in such programs.". SEC. 312. TRIBAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. The Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 is amended by adding at the end the following new title: Ko^eT' "TITLE IV—TRIBAL ECONOMIC ^f^'^hnoiogy DEVELOPMENT Education ^wtance Act ..g gc. 401. SHORT TITLE. of 1990. 25 USC 1801 "This title may be cited as the 'Tribal Economic Development and ^°*®- Technology Related Education Assistance Act of 1990'. 25 USC 1851. "SEC. 402. GRANTS AUTHORIZED. "(a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.— The Secretary is authorized, subject to the availability of appropriations, to make grants to tribally controlled community colleges which receive grants under either this Act or the Navajo Community College Act for the establishment and support of tribal economic development and education institutes. Each program conducted with assistance under a grant under this subsection shall include at least the following activities: "(1) Determination of the economic development needs and potential of the Indian tribes involved in the program, including agriculture and natural resources needs.