Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/822

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104 STAT. 788 PUBLIC LAW 101-392—SEPT. 25, 1990 "(1) funds received under this part will be awarded on a competitive basis solely for vocational education programs, including programs— "(A) to provide apprenticeships and internships in industry; "(B) to provide new equipment; "(C) to provide teacher internships or teacher training; "(D) that bring representatives of business and organized labor into the classroom; "(E) to increase the access to, and quality of, programs for individuals who are members of special populations; "(F) to strengthen coordination between vocational education programs, and the labor and skill needs of business and industry; "(G) to address the economic development needs of the area served by the partnership; "(H) to provide training and career counseling that will enable workers to retain their jobs; "(I) to provide training and career counseling that will enable workers to upgrade their jobs; and "(J) that address the needs of new and emerging industries, particularly industries in high-technology fields. "(2) the State will give preference to partnerships that coordinate with local chambers of commerce (or the equivalent), local labor organizations, or local economic development plans; "(3) the State will give priority to programs offered by partnerships that provide job training in areas or skills where there are significant labor shortages; Urban areas. "(4) ^jjg State shall ensure an equitable distribution of assist- Kurai areas. ^^^^ Under this part between urban and rural areas; "(5) except as provided in paragraph (6), not less than 50 percent of the aggregate cost of programs and projects assisted under this part will be provided from non-Federal sources, and not less than 50 percent of such non-Federal share will be provided by businesses or labor organizations participating in the partnership; and "(6) in the event that the partnership includes a small business or labor organization, 40 percent of the aggregate cost of the programs and projects assisted under this part will be provided from non-Federal sources and not less than 50 percent of such non-Federal share will be provided by participating businesses or labor organizations."; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(d) The Secretary shall prescribe policies for vocational education programs carried out with assistance under this part. Such policies shall include examples of allowable expenses for business-laboreducation partnerships.". SEC. 308. TECH-PREP EDUCATION. Title III of the Act (20 U.S.C. 2351 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new part: EdJl^^oSAct "PART E—TECH-PREP EDUCATION Grants. 20 USC 2394 ' "SEC. 341. SHORT TITLE. °*®- "This part may be cited as the 'Tech-Prep Education Act'.