Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/504

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104 STAT. 470 PUBLIC LAW 101-378—AUG. 17, 1990 Federal Government pursuant to Public Law 85-508, nor shall this section cause these lands to be removed from entry pursuant to the Mining Law of 1872. "(D) Subject to lode mining claims, known as KAEL 1-216 inclusive, and valid existing rights, the subsurface estate in the lands conveyed to Kootznoowoo, Incorporated, pursuant to subparagraph (C) shall be granted to Sealaska, Incorporated. Nothing in subparagraphs (C) or (D) shall create a right or cause of action by Kootznoowoo, Incorporated, or any other party against the United States.". SEC. 205. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. (a) Section 703(a)(1) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Con- 16 USC 1132 servation Act is amended by deleting the words "Admiralty Island note. National Monument Wilderness" and inserting in lieu thereof "Kootznoowoo Wilderness". (b)(1) All rights, title, and interests to that portion of the approximately seventeen and thirty-four one-hundredths acres comprising the Angoon Administrative Site which, pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Secretary dedicates for uses related to the administration of the Tongass National Forest, are hereby confirmed in the United States, said parcel being a valid existing Federal administrative site as referenced in section 506(a)(3)(A) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96-487, as amended). Said administrative site is located on Admiralty Island in township 50 south, range 68 east, section 31, Copper River Base and Meridian and township 50 south, range 67 east, section 36, Copper River Base and Meridian. (2) Within one year of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary of Agriculture shall adjust, and resurvey as necessary, the boundaries of the Angoon Administrative Site to include only that portion of the site described as follows: (A) Those lands which lie within the following described boundaries, comprising four and sixty-eight one-hundredths acres more or less: Beginning at corner 1, also corner 9 of United States survey numbered 3756; Thence north 45 degrees 30 minutes west, 540.79 feet to corner 2; Thence north 45 degrees 00 minutes east, 376.60 feet to corner 3; Thence south 45 degrees 30 minutes east, 540.79 feet to corner 4; Thence south 45 degrees 00 minutes west, 376.60 feet to corner 1, also corner 9 of United States survey numbered 3756, the point of beginning. (B) Those lands which lie within that area adjoining the northeastern boundary of the four and sixty-eight one-hundredths acre tract and the mean high tide line of Kootznoowoo Inlet, subject to a perpetual public easement for the existing Angoon-Killisnoo Road. (C) An easement for road and utility access to the four and sixty-eight one-hundredths acre tract from the western or southern boundary of the seventeen and thirty-four one-hundredths acre site. To the maximum extent feasible, the Secretary shall locate said easement to connect and follow the existing right-of- way for Relay Road, which lies between lots 1 and 6 of the