Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 3.djvu/490

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103 STAT. 2558 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS-JUNE 16, 1989 Whereas the Government of Vietnam has continued in recent years to imprison individuals because of their political and religious expression or association or related nonviolent activity; Whereas the Government of Vietnam has stated publicly that the remaining "reeducation" camp or prison detainees would be re- leased and that former detainees would be allowed to emigrate; Whereas the United States has repeatedly stated that the resettle- ment of "reeducation" camp or prison detainees is one of its highest priorities in its dealing with Vietnam on humanitarian issues and has made it clear to the Government of Vietnam that it is 'Willing to allow former and current detainees to enter the United States; Whereas at negotiations held in Hanoi in July 1988, the United States and Vietnam agreed in principle on the resettlement of those released from "reeducation" camps or prisons and Vietnam reaffirmed that released detainees and their families could emi- grate from Vietnam; Whereas the Government of Vietnam subsequently suspended nego- tiations on the issue of the resettlement of detainees and their families; and Whereas the willingness of the Government of Vietnam to satisfac- torily resolve this humanitarian issue will have an important bearing on the relationship between Vietnam and the United States: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring). That the Congress calls on the Government of Vietnam— (1) to make public the names of all individuals who continue to be held in "reeducation" camps or prisons in connection with suspected opposition to the Government of Vietnam; (2) to release immediately all remaining long-term "reeduca- tion" camp or prison detainees, as well as all individuals impris- oned in Vietnam in recent years because of their political or religious expression or related nonviolent activities; and (3) to resume negotiations, without preconditions, with the United States concerning the emigration from Vietnam of cur- rent and former detainees and their families, in accord with the commitment of the Government of Vietnam to allow their emigration. Agreed to June 13, 1989. iun« ifi i QRQ COLLECTION OF TRIBUTE STATEMENTS TO rHXLS>i REPRESENTATIVE CLAUDE DENSON PEPPER- HOUSE PRINT Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring). That there shall be printed as a House document a collection of statements made in tribute to the late Representative Claude Denson Pepper, together with appropriate illustrations and other materials relating to such statements. In addition to the usual