Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 3.djvu/481

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—MAY 18, 1989 103 STAT. 2549 RECONCIUATION SEC. 5. (a) Not later than July 15, 1989, the committees named in subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall submit their recommenda- tions to the Committees on the Budget of their respective Houses. After receiving those recommendations, the Committees on the Budget shall report to the House and Senate a reconciliation bill or resolution or both carrying out all such recommendations without any substantive revision. SENATE COMMITTEES (b)(1) The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- estry shall report (A) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2KC) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, (B) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending author- ity other than as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Act, or (C) any combination thereof, sufficient to reduce budget authority and out- lays as follows: $1,100,000,000 in budget authority and $1,020,000,000 in outlays in fiscal year 1990. (2) The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs shall report (A) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, (B) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending author- ity other than as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Act, or (C) any combination thereof, sufficient to reduce budget authority and out- lays as follows: $0 in budget authority and $187,000,000 in outlays in fiscal year 1990. (3) The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation shall report (A) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, (B) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending author- ity other than as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Act, or (C) any combination thereof, sufficient to reduce budget authority and out- lays as follows: $450,000,000 in budget authority and $450,000,000 in outlays in fiscal year 1990. (4) The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works shall report (A) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Congres- sional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, (B) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority other than as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Act, or (C) any combina- | tion thereof, sufficient to reduce budget authority and outlays as follows: $450,000,000 in budget authority and $450,000,000 in outlays in fiscal year 1990. (5)(A) The Senate Committee on Finance shall report (i) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, (ii) changes in laws within its jurisdiction that provide spending authority other than as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of the Act, or (iii) any combination thereof, sufficient to reduce budget authority and outlays as follows: $0 in budget authority and $2,300,000,000 in outlays in fiscal year 1990. (B) The Senate Committee on Finance shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to increase revenues: $5,300,000,000 in fiscal year 1990,