Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/279

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PUBLIC LAW 101-171—NOV. 22, 1989 103 STAT. 1289 Public Law 101-171 101st Congress An Act Granting the consent of the Congress to amendments to the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Amendments Consent Act of 1989". SEC. 2. CONSENT OF CONGRESS TO AMENDMENTS TO COMPACT. Congress consents to the amendments to the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact made by party states to such Compact. Such amendments are substantially as follows: At the end of article 5 add the following new section: "E. No party state shall be required to operate a regional facility for longer than a 20-year period, or to dispose of more than 32,000,000 cubic feet of low-level radioactive waste, whichever first occurs.". Article 7 is amended by striking out sections G and H and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "G. Subject to the provisions of Article 7 Section H., any party state may withdraw from the compact by enacting a law repealing the compact, provided that if a regional facility is located within such state, such regional facility shall remain available to the region for four years after the date the Commission receives verification in writing from the Governor of such party state of the rescission of the Compact. The Commission, upon receipt of the verification, shall as soon as practicable provide copies of such verification to the Gov- ernor, the Presidents of the Senates, and the Speakers of the Houses of Representatives of the party states as well as the chairmen of the appropriate committees of the Congress. "H. The right of a party state to withdraw pursuant to section G. shall terminate thirty days following the commencement of oper- ation of the second host state disposal facility. Thereafter a party state may withdraw only with the unanimous approval of the Commission and with the consent of Congress. For purposes of this section, the low-level radioactive waste disposal facility located in Barnwell County, South Carolina shall be considered the first host state disposal facility. Nov. 22, 1989 [H.R. 2642] Southeast Interstate Lovf-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Amendments Consent Act of 1989. 42 USC 2021d note. 42 USC 2021d note. South Carolina.