Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/237

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PUBLIC LAW 101-167—NOV. 21, 1989 103 STAT. 1247 (1) UNITED STATES POLICY. —The Congress intends that excess defense articles be made available under this section consistent with the United States policy, established by section 841 of the International Cooperation Act of 1989, of msiintaining the mili- tary balance in the Ekistem Mediterranean. (2) MAINTENANCE OP BALANCE.—Accordingly, the President shall ensure that, over the three-year period beginning on October 1, 1989, the ratio of— (A) the value of excess defense articles made available for Turkey under this section, to (B) the value of excess defense articles made available for Greece under this section, closely approximates the ratio of— (i) the amount of foreign military financing provided for Turkey, to (ii) the amount of foreign military financing provided for Greece. (3) EXCEPTION TO REQUIREMENT.— This subsection shall not apply if either Greece or Turkey ceases to be eligible to receive excess defense articles under subsection (a). (f) MAJOR IIXICIT DRUG PRODUCING COUNTRIES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN.— (1) PURPOSE. — Excess defense articles shall be transferred under subsection (a)(2) for the purpose of encouraging the mili- tary forces of an eligible country in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate with local law enforcement agencies in a comprehensive national antinarcotics program, conceived and developed by the government of that country, by conducting activities within that country and on the high seas to prevent the production, processing, trafficking, transportation, and consumption of illicit narcotic or psychotrophic drugs or other controlled substances. (2) USES OF EXCESS DEFENSE ARTICLES.— Excess defense articles may be furnished to a country under subsection (a)(2) only if that country ensures that those excess defense articles will be used only in support of antinarcotics activities. (3) ROLE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. — The Secretary of State shall determine the eligibility of countries to receive excess defense articles under subsection (a)(2) and insure that any transfer is coordinated with other antinarcotics enforcement programs assisted by the United States Government. (4) LIMITATION.—The aggregate value of excess defense arti- cles transferred to a country under subsection (a)(2) in any fiscal year may not exceed $10,000,000. (g) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section— (1) the term "excess defense article" has the meaning given that term by section 644(g); (2) the term "made available" means that a good faith offer is made by the United States to furnish the excess defense articles to a country; (3) the term "major non-NATO ally" includes Australia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, and New Zealand; (4) the term "NATO" means the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; and (5) the term "NATO southern flank countries" means Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey.