Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 4.djvu/1035

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988


PUBLIC LAW 100-675—NOV. 17, 1988

102 STAT. 4005

whose land is disposed of by any action of the Secretary under subsection 0?) shall be entitled to receive just compensation. SEC. 110. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.

(a) EMINENT DOMAIN.—No provision of this title shall be construed as authorizing the acquisition by the Federal Government of any water or power supply or any water conveyance or power transmission facility through the power of eminent domain or any other nonconsensual arrangement. (h) STATUS AND AUTHORITY OF INDIAN WATER AUTHORITY.—No

provision of this title shall be construed as creating any implication with respect to the status or authority which the Indian Water Authority would have under any other law or rule of law in the absence of this title. SEC. 111. COMPLIANCE WITH BUDGET ACT.

To the extent any provision of this title provides new spending authority described in section 401(c)(2)(A) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, such authority shall be effective for any fiscal year only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in appropriation Acts. TITLE II—ALL AMERICAN CANAL LINING SEC. 201. CONGRESSIONAL FINDINGS.

Congress hereby finds and declares that: (1) The Boulder Canyon Project Act ("Project Act") was enacted to conserve the waters of the lower Colorado River for a number of public purposes, including the storage and delivery of water for reclamation of public l a n ^ and other uses exclusively within the United States. (2) The Secretary of the Interior ("Secretary") was authorized by the Project Act to construct what is now Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and the All American Canal and "to contract for the storage of water in said reservoir and for the delivery thereof at such points on the river and on said canal as may be agreed upon...". (3) The Project Act provides that "no person shall have or be entitled to have the use for any purpose of the water stored as aforesaid except by contract" and in California the Secretary has entered into water delivery contracts with public agencies. (4) The Secretary's water delivery contracts incorporate the Seven Party Agreement of August 18, 1931, under which water that is not applied to beneficial use by a California Contractor is available for use by the California Contractor with the next priority. (5) The available supply of Colorado River water in California is insufficient to meet the priorities set forth in the Seven Party Agreement. (6) The Secretary's water delivery contracts with the California Contractors provide that the total beneficial consumptive use under the first three priorities established in the contracts shall not exceed 3.85 million acre-feet of water per year. (7) The rights of all California Contractors are defined by the Project Act, their contracts, and decisions and decrees of the United States Supreme Court.