Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/980

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2932

PUBLIC LAW 100-580—OCT. 31, 1988

which the division is made under this section: Provided, however, That if the Hoopa Valley Business Council shall decide to do so it may distribute from the funds apportioned to it a per capita payment of $5,000 per member, pursuant to the Act of August 2, 1983 (25 U.S.C. 117a et seq.). 25 USC 1300i-7.


The existing govening documents of the Hoopa Valley Tribe and the governing body established and elected thereunder, as heretofore recognized by the Secretary, are hereby ratified and confirmed. 25 USC 1300i-8.


(a) YuROK TRIBE.—(1) Those persons on the Settlement Roll who made a valid election pursuant to subsection (c) of section 6 shall constitute the base membership roll for the Yurok Tribe whose status as an Indian tribe, subject to the adoption of the Interim Council resolution as required by subsection (d)(2), is hereby ratified and confirmed. (2) The Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984; 25 U.S.C. 461 et seq.), as amended, is hereby made applicable to the Yurok Tribe and the tribe may organize under such Act as provided in this section. (3) Within thirty days (30) after the enactment of this Act the Secretary, after consultation with the appropriate committees of Congress, shall appoint five (5) individuals who shall comprise the Yurok Transition Team which, pursuant to a budget approved by the Secretary, shall provide counseling, promote communication with potential members of the Yurok Tribe concerning the provisions of this Act, and shall study and investigate programs, resources, and facilities for consideration by the Interim Council. Any property acquired for or on behalf of the Yurok Transition Team shall be held in the name of the Yurok Tribe. db) INTERIM COUNCIL; ESTABLISHMENT.—There shall be established an Interim Council of the Yurok Tribe to be composed of five members. The Interim Council shall represent the Yurok Tribe in the implementation of provisions of this Act, including the organizational provisions of this section, and subject to subsection (d) shall be the governing body of the tribe until such time as a tribal council is elected under a constitution adopted pursuant to subsection (e). (c) GENERAL COUNCIL; ELECTION OF INTERIM COUNCIL.—(1) Within 30 days after the date established pursuant to section 6(a)(4), the Secretary shall prepare a list of all persons eighteen years of age or older who have elected the Yurok Tribal Membership Option pursuant to section 6(c), which persons shall constitute the eligible voters of the Yurok Tribe for the purposes of this section, and shall provide written notice to such persons of the date, time, purpose, and order of procedure for the general council meeting to be scheduled pursuant to paragraph (2) for the consideration of the nomination of candidates for election to the Interim Council. (2) Not earlier than 30 days before, nor later than 45 days after, the notice provided pursuant to paragraph (1), the Secretary shall convene a general council meeting of the eligible voters of the Yurok Tribe on or near the Yurok Reservation, to be conducted under such order of procedures as the Secretary determines appropriate, for the nomination of candidates for election of members of the Interim