Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/90

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2174 State and local governments.

Schools and colleges.

Communications and telecommunications. Libraries. Research and development.

2 USC 1105.

PUBLIC LAW 100-458—OCT. 1, 1988

(2) to provide training and development opportunities for State and local elected government officials and employees of State and local governments in order to assist such of^cials and employees to become more effective and more efficient in performing their public duties and develop their potential for accepting increased public service opportunities; and (3) to provide training and development opportunities for those employees of Members of the Congress who perform key roles in helping Members of Congress serve the people of the United States. (b) AUTHORITY OF CENTER.—The Center is authorized, consistent with this subtitle, to develop such programs, activities, and services as it considers appropriate to carry out the purpose of this subtitle. Such authority shall include the following: (1) The development and implementation of educational programs for secondary and post-secondary schools and colleges designed— (A) to improve the attitude of students toward public service; (B) to encourage students to consider public service as a career goal; (O to create a better understanding of the important role that people in public service have played in the growth and development of the United States; and (D) to foster a sense of civic responsibOity among the youth of the United States. (2) The development and implementation of programs designed— (A) to enhance skills and abilities of public service employees and elected officials at the State and local levels of government; (B) to make such officials more productive and effective in the performance of their duties; and (O to help prepare such employees and officials to assume greater responsibilities in the field of public service. (3) The development and implementation of congressional staff training programs designed to equip congressional staff personnel to perform their duties more effectively and efficiently. (4) The development and implementation of media and telecommunications production capabilities to assist the Center in expanding the reach of its p r c ^ a m s throughout the United States. (5) The establishment of library and research facilities for the collection and compilation of research materials for use in carrying out the prc^rams of the Center. (c) PROGRAM PRIORITIES.—The Board of Trustees shall determine the priority of the programs to be carried out under this subtitle and the amount of funds to be allocated for such programs. SEC. 116. JOHN C. STENNIS CENTER FOR PUBLIC SERVICE DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the "John C. Stermis Center for Public Service Development Trust Fund". The fund shall consist of amounts appropriated to it pursuant to section 121 and amounts credited to it under subsection (d).