Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/67

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-457—SEPT. 30, 1988

102 STAT. 2151

(1) in paragraph (6) by inserting "(and, in the case of the State of Texas, the Texas Turnpike Authority)" after "State highway department"; and (2) by adding at the end of such section the following new paragraph: "(10)


request of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation and subject to such terms and conditions as such Department and the Texas Turnpike Authority may agree, the Secretary shall reimburse the Texas Turnpike Authority for the Federal share of the costs of construction of the project carried out in the State of Texas under this subsection in the same manner and to the same extent as such Department would be reimbursed if such project was being carried out by such Department. The reimbursement of funds under this paragraph shall be from sums apportioned to the State of Texas under this chapter and available for obligation on projects on the Federalaid primary sj^tem in such State.". SEC. 327.





centum of the total expenses necessary to construct the International Zaragosa Bridge in El Paso, Texas, $3,000,000 is hereby appropriated to remain available until expended: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall make these funds available to the City of El Paso to pay for 100 per centum of the cost of the United States portion of the bridge, the construction of which shall be carried out in the same manner as other similar Federal-aid highway projects: Provided further. That funds appropriated under this section shall not be available until an agreement has been reached between all involved entities to repay the United States Treasury over a 30-year time period for the amount appropriated herein, plus interest, out of any tolls collected, (b) RESCISSION.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, there is hereby rescinded, effective October 1, 1988, $3,000,000 of the funds apportioned to the State of Texas pursuant to section 157 of title 23, United States (Ik)de: Provided, That this rescission shall have no effect on any takedowns or limitations already made from these funds. SEC. 329. This section shall expire on December 31, 1990. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds provided by this Act or any previous or subsequent Act shall be used to plan, design, construct, or approve an interchange or any other highway facility providing access to or from 1-66 between the existing United States Route 29 interchange at Gainesville (1-66 exit numbered 10) and the existing Route 234 interchange (1-66 exit numbered 11); nor shall any funds provided by this Act or any previous or subsequent Act be i^ed to plan, design, construct, or approve an interchange or any other highway facility providing access to or from United States Route 29 between the existing 1-66 interchange at Gainesville (1-66 exit numbered 10) and the existing Route 234 intersection; nor shall any funds provided by this Act or any previous or subsequent Act be used to plan, design, construct, or approve an interchange or any other highway facility that provides access to or from adjacent properties and the proposed Route 234 B}rpass between 1-66 and United States Route 29: Provided, That this section shall not apply to the use of Federal funds necessary to make safety-related improvements to existing roads.

Effective date.

Termination date. Highways.