Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/82

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 1086

PUBLIC LAW 100-409—AUG. 20, 1988

Public Law 100-409 100th Congress An Act Aug. 20, 1988 [H.R. 1860]

Entitled the "Federal Land Exchange Facilitation Act of 1988".

Federal Land

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

Exchange Facilitation Act


°f 1^^^ Public lands. 43 USC 1701 note.

43 USC 1716 note.

This Act may be cited as the "Federal Land Exchange FaciHtation AJ.^ Qf 1988" SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES.

^^j FINDINGS.—The Congress finds and declares that— (1) land exchanges are a very important tool for Federal and State land managers and private landowners to consolidate Federal, State, and private holdings of land or interests in land for purposes of more efficient management and to secure important objectives including the protection of fish and wildlife habitat and aesthetic values; the enhancement of recreation opportunities; the consolidation of mineral and timber holdings for more logical and efficient development; the expansion of communities; the promotion of multiple-use values; and fulfillment of public needs; (2) needs for land ownership adjustments and consolidation consistently outpace available funding for land purchases by the Federal Government and thereby make land exchanges an increasingly important method of land acquisition and consolidaticn for both Federal and State land managers and private lan»." owners; (3) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and other laws provide a basic framework and authority for land exchanges involving lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture; and (4) such existing laws are in need of certain revisions to streamline and facilitate land exchange procedures and expedite exchanges. (b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of this Act are: (1) to facilitate and expedite land exchanges pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and other laws applicable to exchanges involving lands managed by the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture by— (A) providing more uniform rules and regulations pertaining to land appraisals which reflect nationally recognized appraisal standards; and (B) establishing procedures and guidelines for the resolution of appraisal disputes. (2) to provide sufficient resources to the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to ensure that land exchange activities can proceed consistent with the public interest; and