Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/267

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

102 STAT. 1271

"(1) The principal multilateral and bilateral negotiating objectives and the progress being made toward their achievement. "(2) The implementation, administration, and effectiveness of , recently concluded multilateral and bilateral trade agreements and resolution of trade disputes. "(3) The actions taken, and proposed to be taken, under the trade laws of the United States and the effectiveness, or anticipated effectiveness, of such actions in achieving trade policy objectives. "(4) The important developments and issues in other areas of trade for which there must be developed proper policy response. When necessary, meetings shall be held with each Committee in executive session to review matters under negotiation.".


Section 163 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2213) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 163. REPORTS. "(a) ANNUAL REPORT ON TRADE AGREEMENTS PROGRAM AND NATIONAL TRADE POLICY AGENDA.—

"(1) The President shall submit to the Congress during each President of U.S. calendar year (but not later than March 1 of that year) a report on— "(A) the operation of the trade agreements program, and the provision of import relief and adjustment assistance to workers and firms, under this Act during the preceding calendar year; and "(B) the national trade policy agenda for the year in which the report is submitted. "(2) The report shall include, with respect to the matters referred to in paragraph (I)(A), information regarding— "(A) new trade negotiations; "(B) changes made in duties and nontariff barriers and other distortions of trade of the United States; "(C) reciprocal concessions obtained; "(D) changes in trade agreements (including the incorporation therein of actions taken for import relief and compensation provided therefor); "(E) the extension or withdrawal of nondiscriminatory treatment by the United States with respect to the producte of foreign countries; "(F) the extension, modification, withdrawal, suspension, or limitation of preferential treatment to exports of developing countries; "(G) the results of actions to obtain the removal of foreign trade restrictions (including discriminatory restrictions) against United States exports and the removal of foreign practices which discriminate against United States service industries (including transportation and tourism) and investment; "(H) the measures being taken to seek the removal of other significant foreign import restrictions;