Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/918

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 880

PUBLIC LAW 100-375—JULY 26, 1988

Public Law 100-375 100th Congress Joint Resolution July 26, 1988 rS.J. Res. 318]

To designate the week of July 25-31, 1988, as the "National Week of Recognition and Remembrance for Those Who Served in the Korean War".

Whereas on June 25, 1950, the Communist army of North Korea invaded and attacked South Korea, initiating the Korean War; Whereas the week of July 25-31, 1988, includes July 27, the 35th anniversary of the Cease Fire agreement that ended the active combat of the Korean War;

Whereas the Korean War was brought to an end primarily through the efforts of the United States Armed Forces; Whereas for the first and only time in history a United Nations Command was created, with the United States as the executive agent, to repel this invasion and preserve liberty for the people of the Republic of Korea; Whereas, in addition to the United States and the Republic of Korea, twenty other member nations provided military contingents to serve under the United Nations banner; Whereas, after 3 years of active hostilities, the territorial integrity of the Republic of Korea was restored, and the freedom and independence of its people are assured even to this date; Whereas over 5.7 million American servicemen and women were involved directly or indirectly in the war; Whereas American casualties during that period were 54,246 dead, of which 33,629 were battle deaths, 103,284 wounded, 8,177 listed as missing or prisoners of war, and 329 prisoners of war are still unaccounted for; Whereas, although the Korean War has been known as America's "Forgotten War", this nation should never forget the ultimate sacrifice made by those who fought and died in Korea for the noble and just cause of freedom; Whereas the Congress and the President of the United States have enacted a law authorizing the establishment of a Korean War memorial in the Nation's Capitol to recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of those who participated in the Korean War; Whereas increasing numbers of Korean War veterans are setting aside July 27, the anniversary date of the Armistice, as a special day to remember those with whom they served and to honor those who made the supreme sacrifice in a war to preserve the ideals of freedom and independence; and Whereas on this significant anniversary of the cease fire which started the longest military armistice in modern history, it is right and appropriate to recognize, honor, and remember the service and sacrifice of those who endured the rigors of combat and the extremes of a hostile climate under the most trying conditions and still prevailed to preserve the independence of a free nation: Now, therefore, be it