Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/211

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-297—APR. 28, 1988

102 STAT. 173

"(1) the eligibility of such agency for funds under section 1005 of this Act; and "(2) the criteria described in section 1105. Each local educational agency may carry out the activities described in section 1103 in cooperation with community-based organizations. "(e) STATE ADMINISTRATION.—A State may reserve not more than 5 percent of the amounts available under this part for any fiscal year for State administrative costs. "SEC. 1103. USES OF FUNDS.

"(a) GENERAL RULE.—A local educational agency may use— "(1) the remainder of such funds for secondary schools basic skills improvement activities pursuant to subsection (b), and "(2) not to exceed 50 percent of funds paid under this part in any fiscal year for dropout prevention and reentry activities pursuant to subsection (c). "(b) BASIC SKILLS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS.—Funds made available under this subpart may be used— "(1) to initiate or expand programs designed to meet the special educational needs of secondary school students and to help such students attain grade level proficiency in basic skills, and, as appropriate, learn more advanced skills; "(2) to develop innovative approaches for— "(A) surmounting barriers that make secondary school programs under this subpart difficult for certain students to attend and difficult for secondary schools to administer, such as scheduling problems; and "(B) courses leading to successful completion of the general education development test or of graduation requirements; "(3) to develop and implement innovative programs involving community-based organizations or the private sector, or both, to provide motivational activities, premployment training, or transition-to-work activities; "(4) to provide programs for eligible students outside the school, with the goal of reaching school dropouts who will not reenter the traditional school, for the purpose of providing compensatory education, basic skills education, or courses for general educational development; "(5) to use the resources of the community to assist in providing services to the target population; "(6) to provide training for staff who will work with the target population on strategies and techniques for identifying, instructing, and assisting such students; "(7) to provide guidance and counseling activities, support services, exploration of postsecondary educational opportunities, youth employment activities, and other student services which are necessary to assist eligible students; and "(8) to recruit, train, and supervise secondary school students (including the provision of stipends to students in greatest need of financial assistance) to serve as tutors of other students eligible for services under this subpart and under part A, in order to assist such eligible students with homework assignments, provide instructional activities, and foster good study habits and improved achievement.

20 USC 2763.