Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 3.djvu/869

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987


101 STAT. 2167 Quota Quantity (in short tons)


Taiwan ' Other, except as provided in headnote 10(g](ii} to this subpart 926.15 j If entered during the period from October 20, 1987, through July 19, 1988, inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10[g]{ii) to this subpart , 926.16 If entered during the period from July 20, 1988. through July 19, 1989, [ inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10(g)(ii) to this subpart ! 926.17 If entered during the period from July 20, 1989, through September 30. \ 1989. inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10{g](ii) to this subpart j Bars, vkfire rods, plates, sheets, and strip, all the foregoing of alloy tool steel j (except chipper knife steel, band saw steel, rotor steel for hysteresis motors, I b and tool steel of the type described in headnote 10[a)(viii)), provided for in i ,;;^ I items 606.95. 607.28. 607.34. 607.46. 607.54. 607.72. 607.88. 608.34. 608.49. and 608.64. and round wire of high speed tool steel, provided for in item 609.45.: part 2B. schedule 6: I 926.18 If entered during the period from July 20. 1987. through October 19. 1987. \ inclusive; Argentina Ti( Canada , Japan Mexico , ' '• ' ' Poland Spain Sweden Other, except as provided for in headnote 10(g](ii) to this subpart 926.19 If entered during the period from October 20. 1987. through July 19. 1988. inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10[g)(ii) to this subpart 926.20 If entered during the period from July 20. 1988. through July 19. 1989. inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10(g)(ii) to this subpart 926.21 If entered during the period from July 20. 1989. through September 30. 1989. inclusive, except as provided in headnote 10(g)(ii) to this w.....:;..,J. subpart

50 299 10,213 13,926 2,869

56 386 1.123 76 69 45 2.120 396 13.182 17.977 3.703"

Proclamation 5680 of July 17, 1987

Captive Nations Week, 1987



By the President of the United States of America 1-1' • - i A Proclamation For nearly three decades Captive Nations Week has symboUzed the American people's solidarity with all throughout the world who courageously seek freedom and independence from Soviet domination. During this week, we recall that the liberties we enjoy are denied to many by the Soviet empire; and we publicly affirm our admiration for captive nations, who keep the light of freedom burning brightly as they oppose military occupation and brutal totalitarian oppression. Our Nation offers the world a vision of inalienable political, religious, and economic rights. This vision has always been shared among peoples subju-