Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 3.djvu/683

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987


101 STAT. 1981


Feb.25, 1987 [S. con. Res. i8]

Whereas the Senate of the United States in 1989 will commemorate its two hundredth anniversary; and Whereas the Study Group on the Commemoration of the United States Senate Bicentenary in 1982 recommended as worthy of separate publication and wide distribution the collected addresses I of the history and traditions of the United States Senate, which United States Senator Robert C. Byrd began on March 21, 1980: P Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there shall be printed as a Senate document "United States Senator Robert C. Byrd's Addresses on the History of the United States Senate: Bicentennial Edition" to be published under the supervision of the Secretary of the Senate with the editorial assistance of the Senate Historical Office. SEC. 2. Such document shall include illustrations, and shall be in such style, form, manner, and binding as directed by the Joint Committee on Printing after consultation with the Secretary of the Senate. SEC. 3. In addition to the usual number of copies, there shall be printed with suitable binding 5,000 additional copies, for use by the Secretary of the Senate. Agreed to February 25, 1987.

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HADASSAH—SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION Whereas, Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, numbering over three hundred and eighty-five thousand volunteers, has for seventy-five years promoted a two-fold program of education for its members and their families to the highest ideals of Judaic and American democratic values, and participation in the rebuilding of a Jewish homeland in Israel; Whereas, Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, hsis built and maintains Hadassah Medical Organization, located in Jerusalem, Israel, which includes a primary care hospital dedicated to healing, teaching and research, where all who are in need are treated regardless of race or creed, thereby building bridges of peace and understanding to all the peoples of the Middle East; Whereas, Hadassah Medical Organization has reached out to many countries in Africa and Asia, offering assistance and technical expertise, as well as educating the future doctors of these countries at the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical School; Where^, Hadassah supports a wide range of youth programs in the United States, including Young Judaea and Hamagshimim, as well as special programs in Israel, such as the Youth Aliyah, a

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Feb. 26.1987 [H. Con. Res. 46]