Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 3.djvu/112

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987

101 STAT. 1410

PUBLIC LAW 100-204—DEC. 22, 1987

(1) the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States are presently negotiating a reduction of nuclear weapons and have recently concluded an agreement with respect to reducing the risks of accidental nuclear war; (2) the Soviet Union has recently conducted two tests of its heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles over trajectories similar to those which could be used in actual attacks on the Hawaiian Islands; (3) the announced impact points for reentry vehicles from these tests could have resulted in the overflight of sovereign United States territory, namely the Hawaiian Islands; (4) the Soviet Union reportedly encrypted telemetry from the flight tests in potential violation of the provisions of bilateral arms control agreements; (5) the Soviet Union used a directed energy device, believed to be a laser, to irradiate a United States military aircraft in international airspace that was monitoring the tests, having the potential effect of interfering with our national technical means of verification; (6) had this test misfired, Soviet ballistic missile test reentry vehicles could have landed among the Hawaiian Islands; and (7) the United States does not test strategic missiles in the direction of or in close proximity to sovereign Soviet territory. (b) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.—It is the sense of the Congress that— (1) the actions of the Soviet Union in testing intercontinental ballistic missiles in the Hawaiian region and irradiating United States monitoring aircraft are provocative, unnecessary, and inconsistent with behavior designed to reduce the risk of nuclear war; (2) the United States Government— (A) should officially and at the highest levels protest these actions by the Soviet Union and should inform the Soviet Union that it cannot tolerate flight tests in close ' proximity to sovereign United States territory or interference with United States monitoring aircraft; and (B) should seek Soviet assurances that such missile testing near United States territory and irradiation of United '* States territory and irradiation of United States aircraft will not occur in the future; and President of U.S. (3) the President should, within 10 days of the date of enactReports. ment of this Act, report to the Congress in both classified and Classified unclassified form, on— information. (A) the details of these Soviet missile tests, including the irradiation of the United States monitoring aircraft; (B) Soviet explanations offered in response to United States protests; and (C) what steps will be taken to ensure that such activities will not happen in the future. Human rights.


It is the sense of the Congress that the Government of the Soviet Union should— (1) permit the emigration of Jews and others who wish to emigrate from the Soviet Union; (2) remove restrictions on the practice of religion and the exercise of cultural rights; and