Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/721

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100 STAT. 3341-116
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 3341-116

PUBLIC LAW 99-591—OCT. 30, 1986

100 STAT. 3341-116

Strategic Defense Initiative research effort on a competitive basis and be awarded contracts on the basis of technical merit. SEC. 9089. The Secretary of Defense may only procure ammunition containing a depleted uranium penetrator component if the procurement of such component is done competitively and procured from at least two sources in the existing production base for such component. SEC. 9090. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used for the support of any nonappropriated fund activity of the Department of Defense that procures malt beverages and wine with nonappropriated funds for resale (including such alcoholic beverages sold by the drink) on a military installation located in the United States, unless such malt beverages and wine are procured in that State, or in the case of the District of Columbia, within the District of Columbia, in which the military installation is located: Provided, That in a case in which a military installation is located in more than one State, purchases may be made in any State in which the installation is located: Provided further, That such local procurement requirements for malt beverages and wine shall apply to all alcoholic beverages for military installations in states which are not contiguous with another state: Provided further. That alcoholic beverages other than wine and malt beverages in contiguous states and the District of Columbia shall be procured from the most competitive source, price and other factors considered. SEC. 9091. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds available in this Act shall be available to the Defense Logistics Agency to grant civilian employees participating in productivitybased incentive award programs paid administrative time off in lieu of cash payment as compensation for increased productivity. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

SEC. 9092. No later than September 30, 1987, unobligated balances and appropriations made available to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1983 that expired for obligation on September 30, 1985, may be transferred into the appropriation "Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense" to be merged with and available for the same time period and the same purposes as the appropriation to which transferred: Provided, That any transfer made pursuant to any use of the authority provided by this provision shall be limited so that the amount in the appropriation "Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense" does not exceed $970,000,000 at the time such a transfer is made. SEC. 9093. None of the funds appropriated in this Act to the Department of the Army may be obligated for depot maintenance of equipment unless such funds provide for civilian personnel strengths at the Army depots performing communications—electronics depot maintenance at an amount above the strengths assigned to those depots on September 30, 1985: Provided, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply to civilian personnel who perform caretaker-type functions at these installations: Provided further. That nothing in this provision shall cause undue reductions of other Army depots, as determined by the Secretary of the Army.