Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/384

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100 STAT. 3207-105
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 3207-105

100 STAT. 3207-105 j

42 USC 300x.


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PUBLIC LAW 99-570—OCT. 27, 1986

"(C) purchase or improve land, purchase, construct, or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility, or purchase major medical equipment, "(D) satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of nonFederal funds as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds, or "(E) provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity. "(4) The provisions of part B which are not inconsistent with this part shall apply with respect to allotments made under this section. "(d) In order to receive an allotment for a fiscal year under subsection (b), each State shall submit an application to the Secretary requesting an allotment under subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3) or both. Each such application shall contain— "(1) such information as the Secretary may prescribe, includ, ing information necessary for the Secretary to consider the matters specified in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of subsection (b)(3); "(2) a description of the manner in which programs and activities conducted with payments under subsection (c) will be coordinated with other public and private programs and activities directed toward individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs; "(3) assurances that, in the preparation of any statement under this section, the State will consult with local governments and public and private entities, including community based organizations, involved in the provision of services for the treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol abuse and drug abuse; "(4) a description of the manner in which the State will evaluate programs and activities conducted with payments made to the State under subsection (c) and assurances that the State will report periodically to the Secretary on the results of such evaluations; and "(5) assurances that payments made to the State under subsection (c) will supplement and not supplant any State or local expenditures for the treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol abuse and drug abuse that would have been made in the < absence of such payments. "(e) Except as provided in subsections (f) and (i), amounts paid to a State under subsection (c) may be used by the State for alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation programs and activities, including— "(1) activities to increase the availability and outreach of programs provided by major treatment centers and regional ' branches of such centers which provide services in a State in order to reach the greatest number of people; "(2) activities to expand the capacity of alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation programs and facilities to provide treatment and rehabilitation services for alcohol abusers and drug abusers who have been refused treatment due to lack of facilities or personnel; "(3) activities to provide access to vocational training, job counseling, and education equivalency programs to alcohol abusers and drug abusers in need of such services in order to enable such abusers to become productive members of society; and "(f) Of the total amount paid to any State under subsection (c) for a fiscal year, not more than 2 percent may be used for administering the funds made available under such subsection. The State will pay